Can we do תפילות prayers for:
That through them The האור Light, רפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?
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Kislev 2, 5771 · November 9, 2010
This Week's Features | Printable Magazine |
Remembering Gabi and Rivki |
 | "If this is how we mourn in Judaism, then I want to be a Jew. And if this is how they weep and eulogize in the Chabad movement, then today, I would like to be connected to your movement, Rabbi."
By Hagar |  |
 | Chabad doesn't quit. They stood their ground in Czarist Russia, and they didn't quit after the Holocaust. Chabad doesn't quit even in Islamic countries that might blow up any minute...
By Jonathan Mark |  |
Living |
 | Physical reality is like your computer screen. The pictures it displays aren't substantial physical objects, but dynamic images that are being constantly regenerated.
By Arnie Gotfryd |  |
 | She's calm, with both hands firmly on the wheel. His free hand gesticulates wildly out the window, punctuating the expletives pouring from his mouth. He's fuming. She's oblivious. I'm tickled.
By Ari Shishler |  |
 | We all have a Tower in our lives. An edifice that G‑d has created, something we were meant to fly to the top of...
By Elad Nehorai |  |
Women |
 | On autopilot for all those months, I think that if I had stopped to think of what I was juggling, and what I was witnessing, I would have crawled into bed, and not gotten out...
By Beryl Tritel |  |
Parshah |
 | Is it a self-improvement thing, like a woodworking class or a therapy session?
By Yanki Tauber |  |
 | The rich person prays for even more wealth. What does the poor person pray for?
By Naftali Silberberg |  |
 | Leah was introspective, a master of meditation. Rachel was a communicator, charismatic, and appealing.
By Rochel Holzkenner |  |
 | Sociologists would surely have predicted that Jacob would rear confused children who would grow up with a deep hatred toward the "archaic," "burdensome" values of their ancestors.
By Levi Avtzon |  |
Jewish Practise |
 | The origins and reasons behind Shabbat candle-lighting, and a step-by-step guide to performing this beautiful mitzvah.
By Staff |  |
 | The rabbi tells me that my daughter should begin lighting Shabbat candles. My grandmother disagrees. Can you please enlighten me?
By Chana Raizel Zaklikowski |  |
 | A Change of Focus By resting on Shabbat, we attest to G‑d's creation of the world and bring our lives in sync with the divine cycle of creation and rest.
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Video Classes |
 | In light of recent worrisome events in the world, Rabbi Bryski offers a classic Jewish formula for optimism in the face of adversity.
By Moshe Bryski Watch (1:24:56) |  |
 | Reincarnation: Part 1 The origins of the eternal soul, its mission and the purpose of its embodiment.
By Yisroel Levine Watch (1:19:37) |  |
Story |
 | Every day the old water carrier passed the study hall where the Baal Shem Tov stood with his disciples
By Shoshannah Brombacher |  |
 | Every week, the family cow tethered in my grandmother's yard received a special treat: the pan of water in which the Shabbat pots and dishes had been rinsed...
As told by Yanki Tauber |  |
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Featured Judaica: Rambam Oil Menorah
Striking "V" shape of these menorah branches is based on the description of the Temple Menorah according to the Rambam. This Rambam style menorah is characterized by thin straight "string" branches that unite to into a modern base.
Price: $29.95 |