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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Study Guide This Week's Torah Portion: Ki Tavo

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Emet Ministries
The Open Bible is a collection of thoughts about the weekly Torah portion. The Torah has been divided into 54 readings that correspond to the calendar year. These portions contain various nuggets of truth that deal with every issue in life.

Study   Guide   to   Parasha Ki Tavo

  Open Bible
Deuteronomy 26:2-29:9
Isaiah 60:1-22
Luke 24:44-53

The Messiah in the Torah Portion 

Moses instructs the people of Israel: When you enter the land that YHWH is giving to you as your eternal heritage, and you settle it and cultivate it, bring the first-ripened fruits (bikkurim) of your orchard to the Holy Temple, and declare your gratitude for all that YHWH has done for you.

Our Parshah also includes the laws of the tithes given to the Levites and to the poor, and detailed instructions on how to proclaim the blessings and the curses on Mount Grizzim and MountEbal -- as discussed in the beginning of the Parshah of Re'ei. Moses reminds the people that they are YHWH's chosen people, and that they, in turn, have chosen YHWH. 

The latter part of Ki Tavo consists of the Tochachah ("Rebuke"). After listing the blessings with which YHWH will reward the people when they follow the laws of the Torah, Moses gives a long, harsh account of the bad things -- illness, famine, poverty and exile -- that shall befall them if they abandon YHWH's commandments.
Moses concludes by telling the people that only today, forty years after their birth as a people, have they attained "a heart to know, eyes to see, and ears to hear."
(adapted from chabad.org)

The Messiah in the Torah Portion 

The Newer Testament states that YHWH has blessed believers "with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Messiah" (Ephesians 1:3).  This is a powerful concept that shows that all that YHWH promised Israel in the Older Testament is a blessing today for those who cling to Messiah.

We can experience these blessings when we walk with Y'shua in His commandments.  "All these blessings will come upon you and overtake you if you obey YHWH your Elohim," Deuteronomy 28:2.

The anointed abundant life does not come fully when a person is saved, immersed in the Spirit, or obedient to a set of church regulations. It does not come when a person is addiction free or even demonic free. The abundant life only comes when a person is "in Christ."

The term "in Christ" is found 76 times in the Authorized King James Version. These occurrences are often associated with powerful promises that we will examine. But first, Strong's Exhaustive Concordance writes the Greek the word used in this phrase is "Christos."

Christos literally is defined "anointed, the Messiah." Christos is a poor Greek substitute for the Hebrew "Mashiyach" which according to Strong's means exactly the same thing. To be "in Christ" is to be "in Mashiach." And believe it, or not, to be "in Mashiach" is to be "in Torah."

John 1:14, "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us" teaches that Y'shua is the Torah embodied in human form. Y'shua lived, breathed, walked, talked, studied, taught, and prayed Torah. Torah is in Y'shua HaMashiach. Therefore to be "in Mashiach" or to be "in Christ" is to literally be "in Torah."

So, if you are supposed to be "in Mashiach," who is "in Torah," what is Torah?
"Torah" is the Hebrew word meaning "teaching." When Torah is mentioned it is most often associated with the teachings of Moses. The first five books of the Bible are the words which YHWH gave to Israel in the wilderness. These teachings of Moses are the building blocks YHWH uses to base the entire Bible, therefore, Torah signifies His instruction throughout the Hebrew scriptures, including the Prophets and the Psalms.

Since all of His Word is His Teaching, all of it is His Torah. Torah is all the written teaching of YHWH, from Genesis to Revelation. And according to scripture Torah is holy, right and good; and useful for everyone who belongs to YHWH. To be "in Mashiach" or "in Christ" is to be in the teachings of the word. These teachings never contradict themselves, are not limited to certain dispensations, and are all for today. (read Matthew 5) It is important to note that most believers do not have a strong understanding of the teachings of Moses and therefore misunderstand other scripture passages. Though the word "Torah" does not appear in various Bible translations, it is there, hidden beneath English words like "law," "word," "commandment."

The teachings of Moses (the first five books of the Bible) are the foundation upon which the whole Bible is based. Nothing has passed away, nothing has been dismissed, and nothing has been abolished. Without properly understanding the words of the Creator to man, as spoken of in the Torah of Moses, a person can not understand how YHWH dealt with His people through the ages and how YHWH deals with man today. For more on the importance and power of Torah read Psalm 119. Now, the question is "Are you in Torah?"

The word "in" is a very appropriate one as it conveys the idea of total submission. To be "in" something means that one property looses is identity to another. So when we are "in Mashiach" we loose our identity to Him and we become the Torah made flesh. This is referred to as the Torah being written on our hearts of flesh. To be "in Torah" or "in Mashiach" is to consume your life with His words, His thoughts, His ways, and follow Him no matter what.

If you want to live in the anointing of the Spirit, then you must live in Torah. Sure, there are those who experience visitations of the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) but what we need today is habitation not visitation. This habitation will come only when we are obedient to Torah as a lifestyle of intimacy and worship.
When we do this we tap into a hidden power of His presence, which releases the abundant life that Y'shua demonstrated. This lifestyle of obedience to Torah releases blessings immeasurable. For everyone who follows Torah is blessed but, ONLY when a person is "in Mashiach" does the promise of abundant life come into full effect.

Through a simple word study and search I have come to the conclusion that a person may have faith in Y'shua but yet never be "in Mashiach." This probably surprises you, as it did me, but it is a scriptural concept. I'm sure you understand that faith in Y'shua brings eternal life. Galatians 3:26, "For ye are all the children of Elohim (the Mighty One of Israel) by faith in Christ (Mashiach)." (KJV)

So, salvation brings eternal life while living "in Mashiach" brings abundant life.
Don't you know people who have had a salvation experience but never were "a new creation?" It seems many people convert without ever changing (if this is possible.) This is because the promise of being a "new creation" is fulfilled ONLY when we are "in Mashiach." 2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new." All things become new ONLY when we are "in Mashiach!"
Name any popular promise from the Brit Chadasha (New Testament) and it will most likely be based upon whether a person is "in Mashiach." It is ONLY when we are "in Mashiach" that we are blessed with every Spiritual blessing, have our needs met according to his riches, and are alive to YHWH and dead to sin. But don't take my word for it; here is a list that will surprise you. According to the Bible when we are "in Christ" or "in Mashiach" we are:

  • Alive YHWH and dead to sin - Romans 6
  • Are under no condemnation - Romans 8
  • Have the love of YHWH - Romans 8
  • Speak the truth - Romans 9
  • Are one body - Romans 12
  • Are workers - Romans 16
  • Sanctified - 1 Corinthians 1
  • Are wise - 1 Corinthians 4
  • Are made alive - 1 Corinthians 15
  • All of the promises are yes and amen - 2 Corinthians 1
  • Are anointed to stand firm - 2 Corinthians 1
  • We speak before YHWH with sincerity - 2 Corinthians 2
  • A new creation; the old has gone, the new has come! - 2 Corinthians 9
  • Caught up to the third heaven - 2 Corinthians 12
  • Have freedom - Galatians 2
  • Justified by faith - Galatians 2
  • You are all sons of Elohim - Galatians 3
  • You are all one in Y'shua HaMashiach - Galatians 3
  • Blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing - Eph 1
  • Created to do his good pleasure - Eph 1
  • You were marked in him with a seal, the promised Holy Spirit, - Eph 1
  • YHWH raised us up with Mashiach and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Y'shua HaMashiach - Eph 2
  • For we are Elohim's workmanship, created in Y'shua HaMashiach to do good works, which YHWH prepared in advance for us to do. - Eph 2
  • But now in Mashiach we who once were far away have been brought near through the blood - Eph 2
  • Called heavenward - Phil 3
  • Have the peace of YHWH - Phil 4
  • Have all of our needs met according to his riches - Phil 4
  • Given fullness - Col 2
  • Have assurance of our faith - 1 Timothy 3
  • Are strong in grace - 2 Timothy 2
  • Are persecuted to live a life devoted to YHWH - 2 Tim 3
  • Have a full understanding of every good thing - Phile 1
  • Have the peace of YHWH - 1 Peter 5
All these items are taken directly from the Scriptures and all are true only when we walk in Torah observance through the power of Mashiach, which is the anointing of Y'shua.

Applying the Portion to Life Today   
The daylight hours are growing shorter.  School bells are beginning to ring again.  Football teams are kicking off their seasons.  Tempatures are dropping.  Can you feel it?  The times are changing.  The month has even changed.  Yes, yes everyone knows it is September but did you know that we are in the Biblical six month, counting from Passover.  Counting from Yom Teruah this is the twelth and last month of year.  This is the month of return.  Right now we are in the middle of a full thirty days given to reflect upon life and repent of sins.  This is the time given each year to prepare for the High Holy Days of the Bible.
The Feast of Trumpets or Yom Teruah is just around the corner with Yom Kippur only ten days later.  Between now and then is preparation time to reflect upon life, repent of sins, and return to the Father with faithful obedience and devotion.  "Teshuvah / repent for the forgiveness of sins," says Acts 2:38. 
In the book of Nehemiah this month is called 'Elul.'  "Elul has been interpreted as an acronym, with its Hebrw letters "aleph," "lamed," "vav," and "lamed" representing the words of Song of Songs - "Ani L'Dodi V'Dodi Li."  The words mean "I am my beloved and my Beloved is mine," says ou.org.  This name points to the love of YHWH.  Even the zodiac sign for this time reflects the overall message of the month.  This is the month of the Maiden - the maiden of Yisra'el returning to the Groom.  "Return O Maiden of Yisra'el, return to these cities of yours," Yermi'yahu 31:20. 
With the serious theme of this month, it is fitting that each year at this time all Isra'el reads torah portion Ki Tavo.  As Devarim concludes, the themes of the covenant are reviewed and a prophecy is given.  If the people will just follow the instructions of YHWH then they will be the envy of the whole world.  But, if Yisra'el is stubborn and rebellious then they will punished.  Exile is foretold for the rebellious people.   
One sage teaches that the twelve tribes of Israel gathered at the Mounts of Gerizim and Ebal.  Six families were on one side while six were are on the other side.  Moshe and the Levim are in the middle valley.  Moshe reads aloud the Torah and states that obeidance leads to blessing and disobediance leads to cursing.  The Levite elders would turn to Mount Gerizim and call out, "Blessed is the man who...," and everyone would answer "Amein!"  Then they would turn to Mount Ebal and call out "Accursed is the man...," and everyone would answer "Amein!"
The Hebrew word for 'curse' found all over our reading is "awrar." This word means to "execrate or bitterly curse, to declare to be hateful or abhorrent; denounce, to denounce evil against, or to imprecate evil upon; to curse; to protest against as unholy or detestable; hence, to detest utterly; to abominate."  This is not a pretty sight!  The Yisraelites received, they brought all of this upon themselves for disobeying YHWH.  While the ancient Hebrew word for 'blessed' is the term "barak."  Barak means to "to kneel, by implication to bless God (as an act of adoration), and (vice-versa) man (as a benefit); also bless, congratulate, curse, greatly, indeed, kneel (down), praise, salute, thank."  As you can see these terms are complete opposites, they are staunchly different and come about by the different actions of Bible believers.
"And it shall come to pass, if you shall listen diligently to the voice of YHWH Your Elohim, to shomer and do all His mitzvot which I command you this day, that YHWH Your Elohim will set you on high above all nations of the earth: And all these blessings shall come on you, and overtake you, if you shall listen to the voice of YHWH Your Elohim.  Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the field.  Blessed shall be the fruit of your body, and the fruit of your ground, and the fruit of your cattle, the increase of your cattle, and the flocks of your sheep.  Blessed shall be your basked and your bowl.  Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out," Devarim / Deuteronomy 28:1-6.  The blessings continue and the curses are presented all throughout the parasha.  There are infact twelve curses within Devarim 27:15-26 - one curse for each tribe.
The theme of all of this is that Yisra'el, each individual in Yisra'el, had the choice of life or death.  This is kind of like a trial where the prosecuter and defendant both make their cases, except the crime has not been committed yet.  The speeches have been made, the attorney's have rested their cases, and now Yisra'el must decide whether or not to follow YHWH.  This is the same situation that we are in today.
As we read this portion of Scripture during this time of preparation, we too must make decisions.  We too must choose our future.  Studing this portion brings us face to face with the truth that we are indeed in control of our destiny.  What has happened in our past doesn't really matter.  How we were raised, what faith we grew up with, our thoughts, our feelings, our doctrines, our desires, and our problems don't mean much.  Now that we have been presented the choice we must decide to either follow YHWH or not.   
Are you willing to follow YHWH in order to receive blessings and life?  Or would you rather have things your way and inherit curses and death?  Is there an area in your life that you just won't surrender to the Almgihty?  Do you follow vain traditions just because they are comfortable?  Are you living obedience or acting in disobediance?  Your actions prove your answer, and right now, before Yom Teruah and Yom Kippur is the perfect time to consider your devotion.
Jewish tradition teaches that the world was created during this month, on exactly the twenty-fifth of Elul.  If man was created on Yom Teruah, as many teach, then a few days prior would be the beginning of the world and the start of creation.  This is how you come to the 25th date.  Do you know what else occurred on the 25th?  "And the wall was finished on the 25th of Elul, after fifty two days," Nehemi'yah 6:15.  After the dispersion at Babylon, Nechem'yah had urged the Hebrew people to rebuild the wall of Yerushalyim.  With a spear in one hand and a tool in the other hand, the Hebrew people worked hard and completed the wall on the 25th of Elul!
You see, thousands of years ago the Gan Eden was created at this time.  The place of perfect relationship with YHWH was made during this month.    Centuries after Yahweh spoke the universe into existence, restoration came to the Holy City at exactly the same time.  Today you have the same opportunity as Nechemi'yah.  As we live during this special month and as we approach the High Holy Days we can experience restoration.  Through our actions and through our choices we can return to Father and the essence of creation.  Like the leaves of the trees that are starting to change colors, it is time for a change of heart.  Blessing or curse, the choice is yours and the time to choose is today. 

 Portion Points to Ponder 
 from various sources

  1. The Hebrew name for this portion is "Shoftim."  What does this name mean? 
  2. Read Isaiah 54:1-10.  How does this relate to the story of Exodus this week? 
  3. Consider the words found in 1 Corinthians 5:1-5.  What did you learn from studying these passages? 
  4. How does this Torah portion speak of the Messiah Y'shua?  
  5. When did the obligation to bring bikkurim begin?
  6. Bikkurim / firstfruits are from which crops?
  7. How does one designate bikkurim?
  8. Who shakes the basket containing the bikkurim?
  9. Which Arami "tried to destroy my father?"
  10. When during the year may bikkurim be brought? Until when are the special verses recited?
  11. Someone declaring that he separated terumah and ma'aser says: "And I didn't forget." What didn't he forget?
  12. What were the Hebrew People to do with the 12 stones on Mt. Eval?
  13. Six tribes stood on Mt. Eval and six on Mt. Gerizim. Who and what were in the middle?
  14. Who "causes the blind to go astray"?
  15. How does one "strike another secretly"?
  16. Eleven curses were spoken on Mt. Eval. What is the significance of this number?
  17. Why are sheep called "ashterot" in Hebrew?
  18. What was the first thing the Israelites were commanded to do upon coming into the Land?
  19. To whom were they told to take their offerings, and where?
  20. Which is the year of tithing?
  21. What was supposed to be written on the stones of the altar that the Israelites were commanded to build after crossing the Jordan?
  22. Moses charged six of the tribes to stand on one mountain and the other six tribes on one facing it. What were the names of the two mountains?
  23. Those standing on the two mounts would hear blessings and curses. From whom did they hear them? 
  24. How is the manner of expressing the curses in Parshat Bechukotai more severe than in this week's parsha?
  25. An Aramean [Laban] tried to destroy my forefather [Jacob]. And he descended to Egypt (26:5)  How did Laban's evil intentions cause Jacob to go down to Egypt?
  26. You shall inscribe on the stones all the words of this Torah (27:8)  Why on stone and not on any other material?
  27. You will be left few in number, instead of having been like the stars of heaven in abundance. (28:62)  Sometimes the number of the Jewish people is compared to the dust of the earth,4 and sometimes to the stars of the heaven.5 Why, in our verse, is the analogy of the stars used?
  28. What was the first thing the Israelites were commanded to do upon coming into the Land?
  29. Give a brief history of how we reached the point of offering our first fruits in the Land to YHWH.
  30. What are the blessings for following YHWH? 
  31. What are some of the curses for walking in opposition to YHWH?
  32. Which is the year of tithing?
  33. Which 4 groups would benefit by our tithes? 
  34. What was the first curse the people heard?
  35. After discussion, each team should give their opinion as to why, after hearing or reading these blessings and curses, the great majority of B'nai Yisrael failed, and continue to fail to follow Hashem's commandments. Each team should give what they consider to be the principle reason.
  36. What did you learn from this Open Bible teaching?

    The Open Bible is a teaching series written by Daniel Rendelman of Emet Ministries.  Find more teachings, audio messages, videos, and music atwww.emetministries.com
    Daniel Rendelman is the founder and leader of Emet Ministries and the author of the book "Finding the Truth."  He, his wife, and their five children live in Newberry, South Carolina.  He can be reached at emetministries@gmail.com. 7

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