'Comments' on Torah for The WatchMen. Collected 'comments' from different resources. This blog is an extension for the website: 'The WatchMen from Israel'.

But everyone is welcome to look around and to pray with us please bring a visit to our website. If you have a Prayer Request after reading a Post please click 'Prayer request' (on the right link to secured website) and we post it on The Feet of The Mountain of YHWH.


If you have a question or like to say something in connection with the Post, you can put it as a Comment. And other people can answer. Please hold ‘our goal ’in reacting: coming together in Love the Love of Yeshuah Rabbeinu our Messiah. Yeshuath YHWH.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Running Israel's Restoration Marathon

Can we do תפילות prayers for:

Key of David - Zechariah's Patrol Report

That through them The האור Light,  רפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?

Zechaiah Patrol Report
Prophetic insights that will help you see how events on Earth and
in our own lives are viewed from Heaven's Throne Room

Running Israel's Restoration Marathon


    "YHVH, the LORD your God is testing you to find out if you love YHVH the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul" (Deu 13:3).

    An excellent way to pass this test is to give our Father the desires of His heart, which is a people for His own possession (Eze 37:27).

    One w
Race IndividualRace Marathonay to give our Father a united people, rather than a collection of persons, is by realizing that each of us is running not only an individual race, but at the same time we are running in a restoration marathon. The latter race is a long and difficult task for us as a people.

    We h
ave a personal mission and a people (corporate) mission.  As individuals we are called to be part of a united people in our Father's Kingdom. This requires that we recognize that a divided kingdom cannot stand, and it surely cannot fulfill our Father's desire to have a people.

    The feedback from our recent Zechariah Patrol Reports reveals that a major hurdle in reaching the lost sheep is their lack of a clear understanding of what is expected by YHVH of this generation and of them personally, especially on the corporate level. Most Believers in Messiah see their relationship as a personal one with Yeshua. It is a relationship based on what they believe. It has nothing to do with who they are, whether or not they are part of a people, or even who are their parents. Unfortunately, this mind set, especially in this generation seems to be resulting in increasing division among Yeshua's followers.

    While a personal relationship with Yeshua, or being born again is absolutely essential, it is  the beginning of our walk with Him, and not the end! However, if one's primary focus remains on their birth experience, rather then growing up and fulfilling the plans He has for them, they are in a way being a Robinson Crusoe. They create their own private island where they can deal with their personal relationship with Yeshua, often on their own terms rather than His. But put a few other people on the island with them and they have problems. Even without people on their islands the modern day Robinson Crusoe's have problems.

    So the story goes, a recent visitor to one of these islands gave the following report: He said "When I shared with the individual on the island the present state of world affairs he decided to stay on the island. However, before departing I took a quick tour and noticed he had three huts. I questioned him about their purpose. He pointed to the first hut and said, 'That's my home.' He then pointed to the second hut, and said, 'That's my Church.' I then asked him about the third hut. I was amused by his answer, 'That's the Church I use to go to.'"

    Rather than shared the visitor's amusement at his report, perhaps all of us need to ask how many huts are on our island? We also need to realize that building more huts is not the answer. We need to merge our island with our neighbor's islands until we have a continent, unifying not only the land but the people.

    Modern communications have done an excellent job of spreading the gospel of the Kingdom. But in doing so they have created a gigantic religious smorgasbord. And like any well stocked buffet it is rare that two people come out with the same plate. The Barna Group (the Christian Gallop Poll) reports that the fastest growing segments in Christianity today are home fellowships of twenty people or less. Wow! That makes for a lot of new huts.

Exodus Red Sea    With the division that exists among Believers today, one can imagine the Second Exodus, if it took place today. It would not be like the First Exodus with men marching out of Egypt in martial array, with captains of fifties, hundreds and thousands. Rather itLone Rangers would be wave after wave of lone rangers. Such an attempt would be a disaster because a divided kingdom cannot stand. To avoid such a disaster we must encourage Believers to not only run their individual race as a person, but enter into the corporate restoration marathon that the Father has prepared for His people. We need to run in such a manner that we give our Father the people He wants for His own. The key challenge is together attaining a degree of unity that produces an undivided kingdom that will not fall. Unity is not necessarily uniformity, but to be unified the parts must be combined in one. For example the United States has fifty states. They surely are not uniform in size, location, weather, or terrain. But combined together they are one country with one people.

    To help in the struggle to provide our Father with a people for His own possession we will be publishing a series of articles (reports), outlining suggestions on how we can effectively run in the Restoration Marathon.

    Restoration is Our Mission

    One of the key points we will emphasize is that our assignment as Messianic Forerunners mission is the restoration of all things. It is the base of the Messianic Israel Alliance mission, and the mission described by Peter in Acts 3:19-26). Since restoration is our mission, our first step is to determine what we need to restore?

    The basic definition of restoration is to "return something to its previous condition." Peter, speaking of restoration, says,  "Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord; and that He may send Yeshua, the Messiah appointed for you, whom heaven must receive until the period of restoration of all things about which YHVH spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets from ancient time" (Acts 3:19-21). Peter then singled out a specific word spoken by the Moses, "YHVH, the Lord God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your brethren; to Him you shall give heed to everything He says to you" (Acts 3:22). What did Yeshua have to say about restoration? It was all about the Kingdom and restoring it to Israel (Acts 1:1-11).

    Keep in mind that our restoration assignment is to restore something to its original condition, not to build something new! Since this assignment of restoration was given over two thousand years ago what we are restoring has to be something that existed in the past, and came into being at least two thousand years ago.

    What Yeshua had to say about restoration and what His disciples believed will be covered in next week's report. In this upcoming report we ask the question for this generation that Yeshua's disciples asked on the Mount of Olives two thousand yeas ago,  Lord is it now that you are restoring the Kingdom to Israel?


     For the Patrol
    Contact Angus

Your thoughts and comments.   

    This is a team effort and we would like to hear your thoughts and comments. To share them go to ZechariahsPatrol.com. Then click on this report, and go to the end of the report, and post your thoughts and comments.

A War of Numbers that Will be Fought With Words

     For Ephraim to once a again become a mighty man ready for YHVH's Whistle to return to the land and join with his brother  Judah, and together defeat their enemies, he must increase his numbers (Zech 10:7-12). This requires that lost sheep become found sheep. This transformation under the guidance of the Ruach Ha Kodesh can best be accomplished by providing appropriate verbal and written information, and fellowship to lost sheep.
Israel Revealed 1     Twenty thousand copies Ephraim and Judah - Israel Revealed which have been distributed in the past have been a key factor in turning lost sheep into found sheep. It has proven to be an excellent initial word weapon. 
      However, Batya's classic "handout book" Ephraim and Judah - Israel Revealed, is now out of print in paper, but it is available as a free eBook. Click here to download. Several people have asked for the eBook on a CD. So we have made it on a CD available at  Key of David Marketplace $4 (to cover shipping and handling costs).  
    The good news is that we will soon have a new and improved version of this classic book. It will be titled, Who Is Israel - Redeemed Israel - A Digest. This exciting new overview will make an excellent and inexpensive handout book. It can now be pre-ordered at a very special price at Key of David Marketplace and is due for delivery in late October. For more information see the Challenges of Being A Watchman

Question of the Day

    How many Ephraimites are required for Ephraim to once again be a Mighty Man, ready and able to return to the land and join with his brother Judah and together defeat our enemies?

    Last week People seem to ignore this question; however, if we don't have a handle on the goal we are working towards it makes it difficult reach it. 

    We would appreciate
Your opinion.

Why Does God Allow His People To Suffer?
Approaching God - Terms and Consequences
The Challenge of Being a Watchman
The Story of the Rest of Your Life
Zachariah's Vision and "The Quartet"

The End-time Call of Yom Teruah

   We encourage you to listen to a new song, written by Batya and recorded by our friend, Will Spires. The song is titled "I AM YHVH" and it is truly inspiring. You might want to listen to it before you pray. The song is about the Father's heart cry for His chosen people: Judah and Ephraim. You can hear it as you enter the Zachariah's Patrol website or Key of David Marketplace, and it can be downloaded for free at Key of David Marketplace.Several people have asked for the song on a cd so they can play it in their cars. So we have made available at Key of David Marketplace. a CD that has seven renditions of the song for $4 (to cover shipping and handling costs).

Upcoming Events

    The Messianic Israel Alliance Southeast Regional Conference will be held in the Tampa area on Friday and Saturday, November 12th - 13th, 2010. For more information go to Southeast Regional Conference 

Contact Information

Key of David Publishing's Books are available at the Messianic Israel Alliance Marketplace (Phone 800-829-8777). They also are available at Key of David Publishing Marketplace, where Bookstores, Ministries, and Way Stations are eligible for a quantity discount.

Websites to visit:
Messianic Israel Alliance  The MIA will help you to understand the Hope of Messianic Israel plus Messianic Israel Inclusion Theology. You can become a Partner in restoring the Kingdom to Israel.

Bnai' Ephraim International This is the premier online presence that advocates for this generation's sons and daughters of Ephraim.
Zechariah's Patrol Reports This exciting site offers an abundance of prophetic insights that will help you see how events on earth and in our own lives are viewed from Heaven's Throne Room.
You can support Key of David online. See the Key of David Marketplace and the Messianic Israel Alliance. Or send snail mail to Key of David, PO Box 700217, Saint Cloud, FL 34770. Or call us at 407-344-7700.

Join Our Mailing List
Key of David Publishing | PO Box 700217 | Saint Cloud | FL | 34770



Joined To Hashem Newsletter, October 8, 2010

Can we do תפילות prayers for:

Mike Clayton and his ministerie

That through them The האור Light,  רפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?

October 8, 2010
Joined To Hashem Newsletter
In this issue...

Quick Links...

Join our mailing list!

Streaming Video
Archived teaching from last year.
B'resheet (In the beginning)
Genesis 1:1-6:8
Isaiah 42:5-21
Joshua 1-3

Web Site Changes
I will be making some changes to our web site to reflect the fact that video and written commentaries are from previous years. This may take a couple of weeks.Thanks for your patience.

Torah Commentary
B'resheet (In the beginning)
Genesis 1:1-6:8
Isaiah 42:5-21
Joshua 1-3
And It Still Is
This week we begin a new cycle of reading the Torah. Many ask why we should do such a thing. They may wonder why a person would read the same books over and over every single year. Is it not enough to read them once or twice in a lifetime? Are we so dense that we do not get the message of the words?
If asked questions like these, most people would say that every time they read the words of scripture they see something new and exciting. This is very true, but are we simply reading them to find something new? Is it a new teaching that we are looking for? While it may be true that every time we read we find something new to us, I would like you to consider that in the words of Brad Scott, "It is not something new we are seeing, it is something that is true." We are not seeing new truth in the words of the Torah, we are seeing greater levels of truth than we have ever known. It is the truth of Torah that goes deep within our spirits that has such an impact on us. It is this truth which in the end is used to build our faith in the One who recorded these words of truth.
Through the years I have met some incredible men and women of faith. I have found that each of these people had something in common. What they have in common is that they all admitted to times of doubt in their lives. That's right, even men and women whom we see as giants of faith have periods of doubt. I have talked with them through the years about such times and how they overcame times of doubt in their lives. Almost every one would say they went to scripture to overcome such times. It was through the reading of His Word that they were able to overcome.
Maybe the greatest faith building Torah portion we can read is the one before us this week. Our problem with this portion is that most of us have read it so many times it has become too easy a read. We read about light and dark, sun and moon, seeds and plants and the list goes on. Go back and read that first chapter of Genesis again, but this time go a bit slower and with more time for contemplation. Try something like this. Read the verse which says that in the beginning Elohim created the heaven and the earth. Now look around you. Six thousand years later and it is still there, still spinning like it should, the law of gravity still doing its job on planet earth. Read about the seeds and how a seed brings forth fruit after its own kind. It is still happening today just as it was. We proved this one this very year when we planted tomatoes and were not able to harvest a single cucumber of any of their bushes. All we got was tomatoes. Now go figure that one!
Look at the sun and the moon, the stars in the night sky. Read about the seas teaming with fish and then take the time to go fishing. After six thousand years fish are still coming forth out of the sea. Look out your window or better yet take a walk and you will see birds in the air and all matter of creatures filling the earth. Notice also that after all these years, though man is trying desperately to pervert it, there are still only two choices when it comes to being a human. You are either a male human or a female human.
In the beginning Elohim spoke everything we see before us unto existence. What is so awesome to me is that six thousand years later it all still exists. It is all still operating according to His spoken word. All I have to do is open my eyes to see that He is still faithful!
We do not know what the next Torah cycle may hold. There is no way for us to see what events may shape and change the world in the days to come. Genesis however gives me courage and faith to face those days without fear. Genesis reminds me that anytime I have doubts, anytime I feel a bit of fear creeping in, all I have to do is take another look around me and I see His faithfulness. I just figure that if He is able to take care of over two million sunrises and sunsets since the days of creation, maybe He is able to take care of me. If He is able to speak a word and the complete universe came into existence, maybe guiding my life is not too big of a problem for Him. As long as "It still is" I can rest assured that "He still is!"
Shabbat Shalom,

phone: 405 257 6277

Joined To Hashem | PO Box 1816 | Seminole | OK | 74818

commentaries, Ardelle


Someone sent me something recently that triggered a lot of meditation for me since we just studied the creation account.  It referred to the verse in Mark 12 where Yeshua says, “For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.”  We have been working outside in His creation for the past days in some of the most beautiful weather we have had this entire year.  Our Creator spoke this world into existence by the spoken word.  So what was overflowing from His heart?  Obviously it was love!  This earth is a love gift to us.  As we enter into fall, the beautiful changing colors of the trees here in Iowa and the cooler, but still warm weather is bathing us in His love.  We feel so blessed.

I also need to apologize to those who have written me and I have not responded to.  Along with the outside work comes no computer time.  For now this is the story of our lives.  

Shabbat Shalom!


Noach-Commentary-2008.pdfNoach-Commentary-2008.pdf 87K   

G-d Called the Light Day

Can we do תפילות prayers for:

The Temple Institute

That through them The האור Light,  רפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?

The Temple Institute's Weekly

"And G-d called the light day, and the darkness He called night"

(Genesis 1:5)
Rosh Chodesh Mar Cheshvan, 5771/October 8, 2010

Rosh HaShana and Yom Kippur, the Days of Awe, are now behind us. We have emerged from the protective embrace of the sukkah, a new year has begun, and we are back in the world.
The sukkah is designed as a temporary dwelling, with spaces in the roof through which we can see the stars. The wind, the cold, the heat and the rain can all be felt inside the sukkah. Yet when the seven days of Sukkot have concluded, and we prepare to return to our well-built, insulated, climate-controlled houses, it is with a certain degree of trepidation. The sukkah, for all its flimsiness and impermanence, provides for us, from the moment we first enter it to the moment when we must take leave of it, an overwhelming, and at times even giddy, sense of physical safety and spiritual security. Suddenly our permanent dwellings seem insufficient as we face the new year. Why is this?
The sukkah, not in spite of, but because of its impermanence, reminds us that beyond our own four walls lies G-d, and that it is His will which keeps our walls standing and our roof intact. The spaces in our roofs of leaves and branches through which the stars shine remind us that G-d also will shine into our lives if we only allow Him an entry point. It is essential to experience our sukkot once a year in order to remind us that the world really does belong to G-d and is not our personal property, and that living a life of G-dliness begins with letting G-d into our lives. The momentary trepidation that we feel upon leaving the sukkah and re-entering our homes is the fear that we might forget these verities. But this is the very intention of the sukkot experience - to inoculate us against forgetfulness, and to fortify us for the upcoming year.
It is no coincidence that on Simchat Torah, the very day we emerge from our sukkot, we begin anew the yearly reading of Torah, starting with the opening verses of Genesis, describing the world's creation. The very same sense of G-d's presence and purpose in the world that we felt from inside our sukkah, is echoed in these words. The sukkah is literally a microcosm of the world which G-d created. Both owe their existence to G-d's will. It is He who sustains our sukkot for seven days, and it is He who sustains the world, each and every day. But there is a quid pro quo for G-d's benevolence. We are given tasks to perform within our sukkot, such as the waving of the four species, eating, sleeping and rejoicing, as well as looking beyond our sukkah walls and roof and seeing there G-d's presence. Likewise, we are entrusted with the fulfilling of G-d's commandments in this world. And no less importantly, we are expected to peer out into the world around us and see G-d's presence and feel His nearness. Our role in maintaining and sustaining the world is no less essential than G-d's role.
This truth is made terrifyingly clear in parashat Noach (Genesis 6:9-11:32), which we will be reading this coming Shabbat. The generation of Noach was a generation that saw all around it a world of plenty. They lacked nothing, they had no want. But rather than properly attribute the world's bounty to G-d, they lost sight of G-d. When they peered out into their world, they saw not G-d. Even after the cleansing and healing effect of the flood, man strayed again, banding together and building a tower designed to pierce the heavens. But this time man's sin was even more reprehensible. This time man didn't overlook or forget G-d. This time man actively and with determination sought to banish G-d from man's world.
The generation of the tower of Bavel was one of instant communication. A single governing body ruled over all mankind. The technology to reach the stars was theirs, as was their assumed ability to be able to determine for themselves what is right and what is wrong. They had no need for G-d and they were determined to shut Him out. The walls of Bavel were impervious to G-d's beckoning. The tower's vast roof was sealed against G-d. No one peered out. No one saw the distant stars shining in. Ultimately, the generation of Bavel succeeded not in shutting G-d out of their world, but in shutting themselves out of G-d's world.
The parallels to today's world are undeniable. Our generation is building a tower whose bricks are baked with anarchy and whose mortar is a deadly mix of narcissism and hedonism. Ultimately it will all come tumbling down.
Therefore, it is incumbent upon us to remember that our permanent homes, our possessions and jobs, our health and well-being, just like our frail and unsubstantial sukkot, are entirely in the hand of G-d. And that truly is cause for the same overwhelming, and at times even giddy sense of physical safety and spiritual security that we feel in our sukkot. Welcome back to the world!
Temple TalkTune in to this week's Temple Talk as Rabbi Chaim Richman and Yitzchak Reuven, out of the sukkah and back in the rain, welcome Mar Cheshvan, a month of great potential and the month of the third Holy Temple.
As we reflect upon the Sukkot that was and its theme of water, and as we read this week’s Torah portion of Noach and the flood, we also realize that this month of Cheshvan begins the rainy season in the Land of Israel. It is also the month that the floodwaters began to fall back in the days of Noach. But the Land of Israel brings the blessing of water to the entire world, and will one day serve as the "Noah’s ark" for all humanity.
The Temple Institute would like to thank all those who have donated to the special fund for the Imus Children, the seven orphans whose parents were brutally murdered by Palestinian terrorists on August 31. Those who would still like to contribute funds for these children may contact Rabbi Richman.
The Attribute of AngerToday also features the new Light to the Nations teaching by Rabbi Chaim Richman, entitled, "The Attribute of Anger, Part I: Our sages tell us that when we lose our temper and allow ourselves to act out of anger, we are succumbing to a form of idolatry. Conversely, by emulating G-d, and allowing our anger to be transformed into patience and forbearance, we are elevating ourselves and bringing G-d into our lives." Click here to view.
The Week of the RambamThe Week of the Rambam, Commemorating the 835th anniversary of Maimonides' historic ascent to the Temple Mount: October 10 -15, the Temple Institute will be celebrating Maimonides’ 6th of Cheshvan (Oct. 14th) ascent to the Temple Mount with articles posted daily describing the Rambam’s life and times, his visit to Israel and the Temple Mount, and the commandment of Mora Mikdash - showing reverence for G-d on the Temple Mount.The week-long event will conclude with an ascent to the Temple Mount, retracing the Rambam’s steps. To keep abreast of our daily article, visit our Events page, join us on Facebook, or follow us on Twitter.
Meanwhile, click here to download our Week of the Rambam artwork.
Parashat HashavuaAll of creation is informed and animated by an overwhelming yearning for G-dliness, and man is no exception. This elemental necessity of existence binds and unifies our world. It is present in the final words of Deuteronomy, which we read on Simchat Torah, and it is present in the opening words of Genesis. It is when the generation of Noach loses its way and seeks to create a world without G-d that the trouble starts. Click here to view Rabbi Richman's teaching entitled The Secret of Yearning: The Torah Readings of Vzot Habracha, Bereshith & Noach (Deuteronomy 11:26-16:17).
Blessings from the holy city of Jerusalem,
  Yitzchak Reuven
  The Temple Institute
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Video teachings available on Universal Torah