'Comments' on Torah for The WatchMen. Collected 'comments' from different resources. This blog is an extension for the website: 'The WatchMen from Israel'.

But everyone is welcome to look around and to pray with us please bring a visit to our website. If you have a Prayer Request after reading a Post please click 'Prayer request' (on the right link to secured website) and we post it on The Feet of The Mountain of YHWH.


If you have a question or like to say something in connection with the Post, you can put it as a Comment. And other people can answer. Please hold ‘our goal ’in reacting: coming together in Love the Love of Yeshuah Rabbeinu our Messiah. Yeshuath YHWH.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Newsletter Parasha Va-Yerah 5771

Can we do תפילות prayers for:
Sukkat David Ministry

That through them The האור Light,  רפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?

Newsletter registration

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Sukkat David Ministry

Contact us
Study Torah
Our last book has now been translated into English and Dutch now!   It is a strong prophetic message that sheds light on the rise of Islam and the solution HaShem has planned to fight it.

 We are at the dawn of the 21st century, 2,000 years after the coming of our Master Yeshua and the world is on the road to ruin. While the Church should be strong after these centuries of practice, we witness the rise of a conquering religion, entering with power in all the civilized Christian countries to subjugate and submit men and women to an iron yoke. What are the reasons for this spiritual war and why does G-d allow Islam to conquer the Western world? What are the secret agreements concluded by our governments to give access to mass immigration for Muslims in Europe and in the United States? We will try to answer these questions in part, in this study based on the sacred texts of the Word of G-d and certain Jewish sources.

Kingdom Tithes and Offerings A Jewish perspective
 A study you never got on the topic of tithing in the Kingdom at the light of Jewish sources! Time to enter His blessings!

Yeshiva Sukkat David
 Study with Judah Messianic Torah Observant Teachers in Israel. October Session open 
We are very blessed to offer the possibility to French and English speakers to study Torah and receive certification at the end of their studies. Many have registered already and the encouragements we receive are just amazing! People are going back to their Jewish roots and enter a new intimacy with our Savior! More holiness, more closeness, more understanding of G-d's plan through Jewish Sources,  of the return of the Ten Tribes...
Yeshua and Torah are one !
A revelation of the Messiah without His Torah is only a partial revelation of Yeshua!
He speaks; who will listen to His voice?
For if you really believed Moshe, you would believe me; because it was about me that he wrote.  But if you don't believe what he wrote, how are you going to believe what I say?" John 5:46-47  
    Two options to study:
1. Complete Training with graduation
2. Personal Enrichment Studies

The Distance Messianic Yeshiva is meant for those who want to deepen their Torah knowledge and go back to the Jewish roots of their faith, while discovering the Presence of the Messiah from the beginning of the Book of Genesis until the Book of Revelation. It also addresses those who desire to receive serious training in order to thoroughly become and also train talmidim (disciples) according to Yeshua's commandment:
Therefore, go and make people from all nations into talmidim, immersing them into the reality of the Father, the Son and the Ruach HaKodesh, Matthew 28:19

Find out how to register:
 I feel overwhelmed in my spirit this morning to tell you how much both your studies and friendship have meant this last year; how important they are; and what an immense blessing (which is not a strong enough word) for myself and, by extension, my daughter.  I pray without having proper words to express that G-d would shine upon you and pour out upon you in such ways as have not been seen before!
Read the wonderful summary of a student:
 The Roman doctrine perverted the message of repentance by truncating the return to the commands of the Torah. The Spirit calls men to come back to the Word and for many this "return" takes place in more than one stage: they receive salvation in Yeshua and attend church for a time. Then, as the lack of spiritual food grows into hunger, the Spirit opens their eyes on the people of Israel. Their roots cry out in the heart of the Ten Tribes who are on their way back from exile. They begin to research teachings about Israel.
The Torah becomes the obvious new direction with new horizons and a fire starts to burn in their heart. Still, some give in, preferring the safety of the teachings of the "Church," along with millions of other sheep. But for those who answer the call, the fire grows and the return prophesied by Moshe takes meaning, until cutting all ties with Rome and its doctrine, they begin to fully return under the leading of the Ruach HaKodesh, in obedience to the Word of G-d. Blessings begin to appear with the revelation of the secrets of the Torah. Yeshua begins to gain more of their heart and their life is transformed, little by little, until the day when they will be found blameless to become part of the Bride of the Lamb!
The first return occurs through salvation in Yeshua; the second one through rediscovering the Torah!
 Support this ministry
By purchasing our books, you support the ministry.
You can now donate safely to help us continue to work in Israel and produce some Torah oriented material to restore the fullness of His Word in His Body as announced:
 Many peoples will go and say, "Come, let's go up to the mountain of ADONAIto the house of the God of Ya'akov! He will teach us about his ways, and we will walk in his paths." For out of Tziyon will go forth Torah the word of ADONAI from Yerushalayim.Isaiah 2:3 

The Renewed Covenant by the light of the Torah
סכת דויד 
NewsletterCheshvan 13 5771- October 22 2010
Shabbat shalom!
"If you hold back your foot on Shabbat from pursuing your own interests on my holy day; if you call Shabbat a delight, ADONAI' s holy day, worth honoring; then honor it by not doing your usual things or pursuing your interests or speaking about them. Isaiah 58:14 If you do, you will find delight in ADONAI-- I will make you ride on the heights of the land and feed you with the heritage of your ancestor Yaakov, for the mouth of ADONAI has spoken." Isaiah 58:13-14

You have two possibilities to study: Complete training with graduation or Personal enrichment.
The Complete training will allow those who want to teach Torah to be part of our network of Torah teachers, who desire to start a Yeshiva in their home or at their kehila. Sukkat David will offer help to those who want to initiate Torah study groups.

Take the opportunity to study Torah starting with the highly prophetic Book of Genesis. Torah is the key for the end times; everything has been written in it. We just need to dive into it and receive tremendous revelations on Yeshua and His plan for our lives.
From the beginning of the messianic calling of the first Patriarch, the Torah teaches us that faith is the key to salvation. Grace is also there since ever.
The foundations are laid from the first Book of the Bible, to help us understand the perfect plan of salvation that G-d has for mankind. If one doesn't study the foundations of this plan,  a great part of the Revelation is lost, and notably  the Revelation of Messiah Yeshua.

Receiving Him in our heart as Savior and Master is one thing, one first necessary step for our salvation. But our path doesn't stop there. After Pesach (salvation by grace), we must head to the Festival celebrated in honor of HaShem, "three days walk" after the reception of the Torah (Shavuot). Avraham saw the L-rd and the story of his life and his descendants' reveals His Presence, even from the beginning.
The same way we have received the Savior in our hearts,  it is now about receiving His Torah engraved in our hearts, as the prophets announced (Jeremiah 31:31).  True new birth takes place by the action of the Ruach HaKodesh who circumcises our hearts to be able to walk according to the criteria of holiness of Elohim.

But in order to be able to walk in these commandements, under Yeshua's yoke, we need to know the Word. When did G-d speak, before the eyes and to the ears of all, with the sound of thunder, setting ablaze an entire mountain? The answer is obvious: the Creator of the universe came to reveal His heart at Mount Sinai, a place that didn't belong to anyone,  and that was open freely to all those who wanted to drink the waters of life.
Yeshua manifested Himself on that day at Mount Sinai, but only Moshe could see Him. Moshe's skin shone so intensely that he covered it with a veil. He shone from the initial Light of Creation: the Light of Messiah. He is the PURPOSE of the Torah; He fills us with His love and calls us to follow Him, to prepare a heavenly Bride.

He left us these words: John 5:45-47 But don't think that it is I who will be your accuser before the Father. Do you know who will accuse you? Moshe, the very one you have counted on! For if you really believed Moshe, you would believe me; because it was about me that he wrote. But if you don't believe what he wrote, how are you going to believe what I say?

Indeed, if we don't believe the Torah of Moshe, how will we believe the words of Yeshua? They are the same, only revealed to our  understanding, because the veil was lifted.
By studying the Torah, our intimate knowledge and our revelation of Yeshua grow.

Don't stay at the stage of Pesach and salvation by grace, move on to the stage of priesthood! He is preparing the Kingdom of priests for the Glory of G-d the Father!

Register to the Yeshiva, we are over 180 students from  many different English and French speaking countries. Join the set -apart people on their way to meet their Groom!

 Study Torah and be transformed!  
Akédat Isaac 

The following of the story confirms Avraham's calling. He was carrying the messianic vision and knew HaShem's plans since ever: Genesis 26:5 All this is because Avraham heeded what I said and did what I told him to do- he followed my mitzvot, my regulations and my Torot."
He already had the Torah engraved on his heart. And soon, he would see the Messiah from afar :
Genesis 22:4 On the third day, Avraham raised his eyes and saw the place in the distance.John 8:56 Avraham, your father, was glad that he would see my day; then he saw it and was overjoyed."
He had the two components to enter G-d's plan for his life and become a blessing for the whole world: Yeshua and the Torah. May it be so in our life! He is calling, who will hear?
Parashat Va-Yerah
Adonai appeared va-yerah וַיֵּרָא to Avraham by the oaks of Mamreh as he sat at the entrance to the tent during the heat of the day. Genesis 18:1
We are back with Avraham who is sitting outside of his tent, recovering from the Brit Milah (circumcision). The tent, in the Biblical symbolism, represents the Yeshiva (the root means to sit), the learning center. Avraham (father of a multitude) is sitting, at the feet of his Master and meditates the words he received. We will see, all along the patriarch's life, that his attitude is prophetic and always shows us G-d's heart and His plan:
She had a sister called Miryam who also sat at the Lord's feet and heard what he had to say. Luke 10:39

He just changed his name and received the Covenant of the circumcision, a multitude of descendants should come out of him and possess this land and all nations will be blessed through him. He is invested with a great mission and a responsibility towards the nations, that of the elder, the first born, guardian of the familial heritage and responsible for the proclamation of the unique G-d on earth:
Then you are to tell Pharaoh: 'Adonai says, Israel is my firstborn son. Exodus 4:22

The next part speaks of the end time Judgment with the destruction of Sodom by the fire and the Wedding of the Lamb with the angels, which is called in Judaism, "the banquet of the Tzadikim (the Righteous ones)"

In the announcement made to Avraham there is a double expression in Hebrew, shuv ashuv שׁוֹב אָשׁוּב (I will come back again, using twice the word) and this is interpreted by Tradition as a coming back to life for Yitzchak when he was about to die on the altar and for us, the resurrection, through the image of the sacrifice of Yitzchak, image of the Mashiach.
Sarah will laugh when she hears the news and her son will be called "he will laugh", the same laugh of unbelief from the nations which will follow the Jewish people through his history. And today we can still face the same unbelief towards the Jewish people's calling.

The next event has a major role in G-d's plan of redemption.
Click on the link below to read the full commentary.
Torah Weekly Portion: Va-Yerah
The sacrifice of Yitzchak and the Messiah....
All those themes are developped in depth in the studies of our Distance Messianic Yeshiva. 
  You can now read our Weekly Torah Portions online 

BereshitMessianic commentaries of the Parashot from the Book of Bereshit: a trip  through Torah to discover the Messiah...   The first volume of this series describes the beginnings of mankind and of the people of Israel. The salvation plan is revealed through the lives of the Patriarchs....Those commentaries will help you grasp very essence of the Weekly Torah portion read each week at the synagogue, by the light of the Ruach Hakodesh:
For if you really believed Moshe, you would believe me; because it was about me that he wrote. But if you don't believe what he wrote, how are you going to believe what I say?" John 5:46-47  
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JTS Weekly Torah Commentary

Can we do תפילות prayers for:
The Jewish Theological Seminary (JTS)

That through them The האור Light,  רפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?

Parashat Va-yera

Genesis 18:1–22:24
October 23, 2010 / 15 Heshvan 5771
A Taste of Torah
A Commentary by Rabbi Matthew Berkowitz, director of Israel Programs, JTS
This week’s commentary was written by Dr. Deborah Miller, associate director of the Melton Research Center for Jewish Education, JTS.
Is seeing believing? Or, to put it another way, is seeing necessary for believing? I am not asking a theological question, but a psychological/social/emotional one.
Here is an example of what I mean: wherever you look—on the Internet, on television, in magazines—there are images of American celebrities lending their financial and moral support to a wide variety of charitable causes. Inevitably, those photographs include people who are on the receiving end—sick children in Africa, hurricane victims in Haiti, flood victims in Pakistan.
When I review these pictures, I wonder if the experience of seeing the actual victims was a prime motivator for the celebrity to get involved in the charitable cause, or if the visit to these trouble spots only reinforced that person’s already-established commitment to helping. If the former, then it seems an example of the power of seeing a problem as a motivation to helping to solve it.

The power of sight pervades this week’s parashah, Va-yera. The parashah’s name itself, which means “He appeared,” is the passive form of the word to see—ra-ah. It is not only this parashah that is flooded with verbs of seeing and sight—the whole Torah is. And, as we would expect, the meanings of seeing are as varied in Hebrew as they are in English. Consider what we mean by see in these phrases:
I see what you mean (to understand cognitively and/or emotionally).

I’ll see to it (to take care of).

That’s your idea? I don’t see it (to envision and believe).

I saw it coming (to predict).

God saw that it was good (to judge).
The publication and distribution of the JTS Commentary are made possible by a generous grant from Rita Dee and Harold (z”l) Hassenfeld.

Is it enough to simply perform mitzvot (commandments), or does the way they are done make a difference?

In the opening of this week’s parashah, three strangers come to visit Abraham and Sarah. As he is sitting outside his tent (actively looking for guests), Abraham greets and welcomes them. Specifically, he “hastened into the tent to Sarah and said, ‘quick, three seahs of choice flour, knead and make cakes.’ Then Abraham ran to the herd, took a calf, tender and choice, and gave it to a servant boy who hastened to prepare it” (Gen. 18:6–7).

In this short narrative we see four separate expressions of Abraham’s eagerness and the urgency with which he strives to attend to his guests, even though they are complete strangers to him. Is this mere desert hospitality, or is Abraham teaching us something beyond local custom, something about personal attitudes that make our actions all the more convincing and meaningful?

In his commentary Divrei Torah Ad Tumam, Professor Ze’ev Falk suggests that Abraham sets a standard that the following generations strive to meet. Rebecca runs to get water for Abraham’s servant and his thirsty camels (Genesis 24:18, 20, 46), Jacob rushes to find food to feed his father (Genesis 27:20), and Joseph hurries out of the room because he was overwhelmed by compassion for his brothers (Genesis 43:30) (Falk, 31).

Abraham teaches us about attitudes cultivated over a lifetime, attitudes toward gemilut hasadim, hachnasat orchim, and tzedakah. Even though acts of kindness, hospitality, and charity were not mitzvot per se in the time of Abraham, he intuited these cornerstones of a just and caring society. Abraham went a step further, his eagerness springing from his inner soul. May we be inspired by his actions and attitude in the coming days.
The publication and distribution of A Taste of Torah are made possible by a generous grant from Sam and Marilee Susi.

Between the Lines—Va-yera
Weekly Midrash Learning with Rabbi Andy Shugerman 
Genesis 21:17

God heard the cry of the boy (Ishmael), and an angel of God called to Hagar from heaven and said to her, “What troubles you, Hagar? Fear not, for God has heeded the cry of the boy where he is.”

Genesis Rabbah 33:14

Where he is. R. Simon said: The ministering angels rushed to indict [Ishmael], exclaiming, “Sovereign of the Universe! Will You raise a well for one who will one day kill Your children with thirst?” [God] asked them, “What is he now—righteous or wicked? “ They replied, “Righteous.” He told them, “I judge a man only as he is in the moment.” [Thus, Scripture continues], ‘Come, lift up the boy . . . ’ Then God opened her eyes, [and she saw a well of water.] (Gen.21:18-19)

R. Benjamin said: All may be presumed to be blind until the Blessed Holy One enlightens their eyes, as the verse states, Then God opened her eyes . . .

“Innocent until proven guilty” approximates God’s judgment of Ishmael in the midrash above. No matter how wicked other rabbis imagine Ishmael to have been, R. Simon contends that this ancestor of Arabs and Muslims was indeed righteous enough for God to save him from dying of thirst. Regardless of how Ishmael or his descendents might possibly treat God’s children later, in this text God sees only “the boy where he is” in that moment.

If that seems radical, consider the implication of the concluding statement above that we are all blind until God makes us enlightened. While Hagar could not see the well before her, R. Benjamin asserts that our vision is no less obscured from noticing life-saving resources. Sadly, the ancient Sage describes well the inability of many Jews today to find common ground with Muslims and Arabs, and vice versa.

The Sufi spiritual leader Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, head of the community seeking to build what has been inaccurately described as a “Ground Zero Mosque,” sought to reverse that trend through his 2004 book What’s Right With Islam: A New Vision for Muslims and the West
The language of good versus evil is precisely the language of the fundamentalists whose worldview we oppose. Once we define as evil those who counter us, we lose the moral high ground and begin to descend an exceedingly slippery ethical slope . . . We have two powerful tools with which to bridge the chasm separating the United States from the Muslim world: faith in the basic goodness of humanity and trust in the power of sincerity and dialogue to overcome differences with our fellow human beings. This faith and this trust are taught by all the Abrahamic traditions. They define the Abrahamic ethic, which lies at the core of our American Declaration of Independence, and America needs to rely more heavily on them, as do our fellow actors on the stage of history. (282–283)
This Monday, Chancellor Eisen will convene a roundtable forum at JTS on Judaism and Islam in America. The Jewish and Islamic clergy, leaders, and thinkers participating in this scholarly gathering will demonstrate through their attendance the principles of faith in humanity and trust in dialogue that Imam Rauf expresses in the passage above. Let us follow their example with similar efforts in our own communities. Our ancestor Abraham would expect no less.

News from JTS
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To make a donation in support of JTS, please visit the online giving section of our website.

Rabbi Marc Wolf
Vice Chancellor and Chief Development Officer
(212) 678-8933



The Son of Elohim - part 1 & part 2

Can we do תפילות prayers for:
Zerubbabel Emunah and his ministery

That through them The האור Light,  רפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?

One Torah for All

One Torah shall be to him that is home-born, and unto the stranger that sojourneth among you.
Exodus 12:49

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Messiah
Here are this week’s teachings – The Son of Elohim – parts 1 & 2.  There will be more parts to this series coming up, so stay tuned. 
Here are links to the Children’s Torah portions for this week –
First year – Lech Lecha
Second year - Lech Lecha
Third year – Lech Lecha
May YHWH give each and every one of you a blessed Shabbat full of His presence!
Shabbat Shalom
Zerubbabel ben Emunah

©  All material is copyrighted and no part may be changed, added to, shortened or edited; however, the entirety of the article may be reproduced as long as the author’s name remains attached to the article.  It is encouraged and a blessing for others to forward these teachings to others, and permission is hereby granted for this as long as the teaching is kept wholly intact, which includes the author’s name and contact information, the “One Torah For All” header, and this copyright paragraph.  Furthermore, it must be passed on without any cost whatsoever to those who receive it.  The act of forwarding or sharing this teaching in any way constitutes agreement by the party forwarding it that he agrees to the terms and conditions of this paragraph.

There are many helpful teachings and other resources at www.onetorahforall.com
If you have comments or questions please contact Zerubbabel@onetorahforall.com
If you wish to subscribe go to www.onetorahforall.com/newletter.html  After going to the above link follow the instructions on the page to subscribe to this e-mail newsletter.

The Son of Elohim - part 1.pdfThe Son of Elohim - part 1.pdf 362K     
The Son of Elohim - part 2.pdfThe Son of Elohim - part 2.pdf 408K   


Weekly Torah Commentary VaYera from Mordecai Silver

Can we do תפילות prayers for:
Tree of Life Messianic Ministries and  Mordecai Silver

That through them The האור Light,  רפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?

Weekly Torah Commentary
from Mordecai Silver
Tree of Life Messianic Ministries
PO Box 467
Organ, NM 88052
866-874-7250 (Toll free)
Fax: 866-800-2390 (Toll free)
Bringing the truth of Yeshua and Torah to all!

Message 10-23-10
VaYera-And He Appeared
Genesis 18:1-22:24
2 Kings 4:1-37
The Akeidah is a difficult, troubling text. It seems the cruelest possible test of Abraham’s faith in God, cruel not only to Abraham but to Sarah and Isaac as well. What sort of Supreme Being could ask for a human sacrifice? Isn’t this the sort of thing the Lord was supposedly telling mankind to grow beyond?
Shalom Chaverim! You will find the weekly Torah, Haftarah, and Apostolic Scripture portions attached as a pdf file. This will be our normal means for sending out the weekly studies. For audio teachings on the weekly portions go to: www.etz-chayim.org/audio/audio.htm. These are free.

While there check out our on-line store at www.etz-chayim.org/store/store.htm. Purchases from our store help to support the on-going ministry of Sharan and Mordecai Silver - Tree of Life Messianic Ministries. You can also donate to our ministry by mail or through our website. All donations are tax deductable.

May the Lord bless you and yours… Mordecai Silver
If you have been blessed by what you have read in these daily e-mails or by what you have read or listened to on our website at www.etz-chayim.org please make a donation to Tree of Life Messianic Ministries on our website by clicking on the donation button in increments of $25.00 and you can increase your donation by changing the quantity…
If you would like to have your group listed on our website at www.etz-chayim.org/directory.htm drop us an e-mail with your information…
Tree of Life Messianic Ministries is a legally incorporated non-profit ministry with 501 (c) (3) status

VaYera 10-23-10.pdfVaYera 10-23-10.pdf 256K

commentaries, Ardelle Va'era

Can we do תפילות prayers for:
Ardelle and Cal

That through them The האור Light,  רפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?

Shalom Chaverim!

This Torah parasha always brings back fond memories for me since in 2002 this was the first Shabbat that I celebrated and it happened to be in an orthodox home in Jerusalem!  It was totally by the grace of the Almighty that I was there since I didn’t even know what a parasha was.  I remember the father of the house did a teaching on the hospitality of Avraham and expressed his gratefulness to have guests that he also could express hospitality to.  I wanted to share a funny story that we were told that erev Shabbat as we walked to our host’s home.  We happened to walk by the Prime Minister’s home and one in our group began to take out his camera to take a picture.  He was told to immediately put it away, for the house is being closely watched from all angles by guards.  In fact, it had happened that someone on a tour group had recently taken a picture of the house.  The guards came and asked him where he was from and who he was with.  He said he was with the “Salvation Army”.  The guard had never heard of the “Salvation Army” and immediately took the man, his group, and his camera to the police station where a thorough investigation was done!  Well, I guess we are with the “Salvation Army” since Yeshua means salvation and we are also at war.  And hopefully all who are not aware of this army will want to investigate!

Shabbat Shalom!

Nederlands 04 Va'era  PDFJaar 2008-2009
Nederlands 04 Va'era  PDFJaar 2009-2010
Vayera-Commentary-2009.pdfVayera-Commentary-2009.pdf 76K     
VaYera-Commentary-2008.pdfVaYera-Commentary-2008.pdf 98K