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Friday, August 10, 2012

Messianic Covenant Community: Torah Portion Eikev

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Messianic Covenant Community?

So that through them The האור Lightרפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?

Building families and communities of faith.
Read this week's Torah commentaries.

Eikev: Deuteronomy 7:12 to 11:25

Rabbi Frand on Parshas Eikev

Can we do תפילות prayers for:

Rabbi Frand and Torah.org?

So that through them The האור Lightרפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?

  Rabbi Yissocher Frand
Parshas Eikev
This Dvar Torah is reprinted with permission from Mesorah Publications / ArtScroll, from "Rabbi Frand on the Parsha 3". Order "Rabbi Frand on the Parsha 3" direct from the publisher at a 10 percent discount, and ArtScroll will donate a portion of your purchase to Torah.org. Please visit http://artscroll.com/linker/torahorg/link/Books/frp3h.html . Good Shabbos!
The Supernatural Land

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"A Land that Hashem, your God, seeks out; the eyes of Hashem, your God, are always upon it, from the beginning of the year to year's end" (11:12)

Not only were they punished for their report, but we continue to suffer as a result of it until today. The Tishah B'Av that we observe is part of the consequence of the Jews believing that report and crying all that night in the Wilderness.

But what, exactly, did the Meraglim do wrong? They honestly believed that it would be impossible to conquer the land. What should they have said?

Dvar Torah - Parshas Eikev

Can we do תפילות prayers for:

Rabbi Label Lam and Torah.org?

So that through them The האור Lightרפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?

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  Dvar Torah
        by Rabbi Label Lam
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Parshas Eikev
He afflicted you and let you hunger, then He fed you the Manna that you did not know nor did your forefathers know in order to make you know that not by bread alone does man live but on all that emanates from the mouth of HASHEM does man live. (Devarim 8:3)

What is added by the word “all”? How does it add flavor to the Manna or the meaning of the verse?

We say daily the following words in our morning prayers, “Blessed is He Who spoke and the world came to be!” Let us cogitate on that point. The whole world is actually a manifestation of the speech of The Almighty. We are absolutely dependent, in the fullest sense of the word, upon HASHEM’s existence and not at all the other way around. The entirety of existence is founded on the will of G-d expressed by His words. ‘And Elochim said, “Let there be light and there was light!”’ Everything else devolves and evolves from further detailed verbiage. It’s words almost all the way!

Rabbi Zweig - Parshas Eikev

Can we do תפילות prayers for:

Rabbi Zweig and Torah.org?

So that through them The האור Lightרפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?

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  Rabbi Zweig on the Parsha
        by Rabbi Yochanan Zweig
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Parshas Eikev
The Spice Of Life
"You shall place these words of Mine upon your heart..." (11:18)

In the second portion of the Krias Shema, we find the instruction to constantly contemplate and internalize the Torah and its precepts. The Talmud interprets the word "vesamtem" - "you shall place" as "vesam tam" - "a perfect elixir"; the Torah is the ideal cure for the "yetzer hara" - "evil inclination". The following analogy is offered by the Talmud: A father educating his child finds it necessary to strike him. The father then instructs his child to place a compress on the inflicted wound, saying to his son "As long as the compress is in place, you may eat and drink what you desire, you may bathe with hot or cold water, and you need not fear that your wounds will become infected. However, if you remove the compress, your health is at risk." Similarly, Hashem says "My son, I created the evil inclination and I created the Torah as its 'tavlin' - 'antidote'1"

Orot Haparasha - Parshat Ekev

Can we do תפילות prayers for:

Rav Dani Isaac and Beit Orot?

So that through them The האור Lightרפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?

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Yeshivat Beit Orot - The Hesder Yeshiva on Har Hazeitim in Yerushalayim
Parshat Ekev

From the teachings of Rav Dani Isaac, Rosh Hayeshiva
Tour with Beit Orot
"And now, Israel, what is Hashem asking of you, except that you should fear Hashem your G-d, walk in His ways, love Him, and serve Hashem your G-d with all your heart and all your soul. To keep the mitzvot of Hashem and His statutes, which I am commanding you today, for your good" (x, 12-13).

The Gemara in Berachot (33b) states: "Said Rabbi Chanina: All is in the hands of Heaven except for the fear of Heaven, as it says, 'And now, Israel, what is Hashem asking of you, except that you should fear.' Now is the fear of Heaven a small matter? Did not Rabbi Chanina state in the name of Rabbi Shimon ben Yochai: Hakadosh Baruch Hu has nothing in his archives except a treasury of fear of Heaven, as it says, 'The fear of Hashem is His treasure'? Yes - for Moshe it is a small matter, as Rabbi Chanina said: This is comparable to man who is asked for a large vessel and he has it; it seems to him a small vessel. [If he is asked for] a small one but he does not have it, it seems to him a large vessel."
Many ask about this Gemara: did not Moshe know that what he considered a small vessel is seen by others as a lofty level which is difficult to attain? If this is a hard requirement for others, why does Moshe ignore this, and demand that everyone live at his level? Is Moshe detached from the people? (Today, too, we hear similar claims against the Rabbis' leadership, that they are detached from the people and reality. They sit in their ivory towers of learning and send forth slogans regarding the love of Israel at a time when all is burning around them. They speak of great and deep powers of belief at a time that appears to present a crisis of faith.)