'Comments' on Torah for The WatchMen. Collected 'comments' from different resources. This blog is an extension for the website: 'The WatchMen from Israel'.

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If you have a question or like to say something in connection with the Post, you can put it as a Comment. And other people can answer. Please hold ‘our goal ’in reacting: coming together in Love the Love of Yeshuah Rabbeinu our Messiah. Yeshuath YHWH.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

commentaries, from Ardelle Thu, Sep 22, 2011

Can we do תפילות prayers for:

Ardelle and Cal?
That also through them The האור Light, רפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?

Shalom Mishpacha!

I just listened to President Obama address the United Nations Assembly.  I heard something out of his mouth that I hope is true...America's commitment to Israel's security is unshakable.  He mentioned how many of Israel's citizens have been killed by terrorists and how Israel's children grow up knowing that other children are taught to hate them.  Also, how surrounding unfriendly nations desire to wipe them off of the map.  And he mentioned that the holocaust happened.  He called it a fact.  OK, I'm trying to be positive about some of what he said.

CHABAD.ORG MAGAZINE: Why No Wild Party on Rosh Hashanah? (and more...)

Can we do תפילות prayers for:

That also through them The האור Light, רפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?


Elul 22, 5771 · September 21, 2011
Editor's Note:

Some of my worst childhood memories are sitting in the synagogue, bored out of my mind, mumbling the words of the High Holiday prayers. It was simple: I did not understand the words I was saying. They had no meaning to me. Even though we were observant, and I attended a Jewish day school, the Hebrew prayers just did not speak to a kid who spoke English at home.
Then, at age fourteen, I was inspired by the following story: