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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

DNA Testing for Ephraim and His Companions

Can we do תפילות prayers for:

Key of David - Zechariah's Patrol Report?

That also through them The האור Light, רפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?


Zechaiah Patrol Report
Prophetic Insights: Seeing Events From Heaven's Throne Room

DNA Testing for Ephraim
and His Companions

by Angus and Batya Wootten
    We want to continue to share with you some exciting news about possible DNA testing for Ephraim, but we first want to make our intent clear.

Sojourners and Israel

    To begin, we absolutely do not assume that everyone who believes in the Messiah has to be a biological descendant of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Israel always includes those who choose to "sojourn" with her. When we believe in the Messiah of Israel, we are full members of His commonwealth (Eph 2:11-22). When the Father restores "both the houses of Israel" (Isa 8:13-14), when He makes the two sticks of Judah and Joseph/Ephraim, one stick in His hand, that restoration includes their companions. The command to Ezekiel was, "'Son of man, take for yourself one stick and write on it,' "For Judah and for the sons of Israel, his companions;" then take another stick and write on it, "For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim and all the house of Israel, his companions"'" (see Eze 37:16-27).

    Our God does not make a distinction between native and  sojourner. When a Believer clings to Him, they have a share in the inheritance that he promises. He said we must always have one set of rules for both sojourner and native, and that former aliens are forbidden to think that he will separate them from His people (Num 15:15-16; Isa 56:3,6-8). The Promised Land is given to all of the faithful people of His inheritance. He said, "'You shall divide it by lot for an inheritance among yourselves and among the aliens who stay in your midst, who bring forth sons in your midst. And they shall be to you as the native-born among the sons of Israel; they shall be allotted an inheritance with you among the tribes of Israel. And in the tribe with which the alien stays, there you shall give him his inheritance,' declares the Lord GOD" (Eze 47:22-23).

    We think DNA testing is just one more of the many ways that we can do that. And, Drs. Alex and Georgina Perdomo have written a follow up to their first article "Genetic Memory Part I." Their upcoming article, "Genetic Memory Part II," explains one way in which people can participate in DNA testing (their article will be posted separately).

    Our primary desire has always been to awaken Ephraim and encourage him to be a proper brother to beloved Judah. We say this because we know that DNA testing has played a part in Judah's return and we believe that a similar testing will play a play a part in Israel's full restoration. However, as we entertain this new idea, we must remember that the Accuser of the Brethren would like nothing better than to get us off course. Our Messiah wants to bring us to His River of Life, but at the same time, Satan is pouring out of his mouth a River of Death - with the specific intent of sweeping away believing Israel: "The serpent poured water like a river out of his mouth after the woman, so that he might cause her to be swept away with the flood" (Rev 12:15).

    Words come out of the mouth and Satan is now sending forth a flood of them. We are in a life and death war of words. Satan used lying words to get us thrown out of Gan Eden (The Garden) and he is now using half-truths in order to keep the elect from the glories of a restored Israel living in a New Jerusalem (Mat 24:24). Thus, we want to try to briefly make a few points about the why of DNA testing for Ephraim and his companions.

Butterflies and Believers

    Zechariah's Patrol recently published an article titled "Genetic Memory Part I" written by Drs. Alex and Georgina Perdomo. In it, they explained that Monarch butterflies have something scientists call "Genetic Memory" - which memory leads later generations to follow a path that could not have been physically known to them. Their point of comparison is that, after many generations of Ephraim's ten northern tribes being scattered throughout the world, something similar might be happening to their heirs. They point out that a generation is coming, even now is, in which "stored memories" are being awakened. Such memories are stored in the genes of the cells of the brain and can be "asleep" for generations, and then suddenly be turned on. Such is the case with the Monarch butterfly, and the same may well be true of Believers...

    Even so, many of us have surely experienced an unexplainable "awakening." Thousands of people have told us that they feel like they have been "born-again, again." However, since being born-again is the unrivaled high point of my life (Batya), this statement often bothered me. Yet, I knew that something was happening in the spirit realm and that it was happening by the power of The Spirit Most Holy, the Ruach haKodesh. I was put at ease when a friend, Daniel Botkin, wrote an article in his Gates of Eden Magazine. He pointed out that being born from above is likened to crossing over the Red Sea, and that, there was a second crossing over in Scripture - when the Israelites crossed over the Jordan and entered into the Promised Land.

    The Jordan is surely a lesser river, but it was nonetheless important in Israel's saga. The idea of "crossing over" is important to us too. When Israel experienced this second crossing over, they formed a twelve-tribed alliance and were empowered to take God's Land. And in our return, we too are moving toward an alliance of empowered brothers.

    We who were once scattered and lost among the nations, hidden from the view of man, yet not lost to our Father, are seeking to return home. The prodigal is repenting of his season with the pigs. He now wants to be a "Hebrew," one who "crosses over," as did father Abraham. The question is, to what and how do we return? We ask this because, as Believers in the Messiah who are returning to the ancient paths of our fathers, we are walking where men have not walked before. So, we need to be very careful about possibly misunderstanding the reason why Ephraim might want to take this particular test.

Our Primary Reason

    The "wild olive branch" is a metaphor that Paul used to describe scattered Ephraim - who is supposed to walk in a way that provokes Judah to jealousy. Ephraim must walk a walk and not just talk a talk. He must walk in the eternal truths of Torah and in the power of the Ruach HaKodesh - even as did our Messiah. Israel will not be restored apart from the Ruach's power, and Ephraim brings the Ruach with him in his return. That is our primary call and we must not forget it (1 Sam 2:9; Eze 37:9; Zec 4:6).

    By our actions, Judah needs to see that we who claim to be the heirs of Joseph's stick are being a true brother to him in time of need. Many innately know this truth and thus, many in Judah feel they have seen something in the people they call "Christian Zionists." And, they are curious about them. Many of Judah understand (on various levels) something about scattered Ephraim. But, they tend to believe that he needs to become Jewish. We instead suggest that together, they need to become a reunited and restored Israel.

    Due to interest in what they have seen in these people, a Jewish organization called Family Tree DNA has agreed to examine the DNA of these lovers of Israel, to see if they match (on some level) the 165,000 Jewish people who have taken the test.

    These are exciting, beginning steps. And, our friends, the Perdomos, without any financial recompense whatsoever, will be working with Family Tree DNA to study these particular test results. (Please note that we, Zachariah's Patrol, Key of David Publishing, and Angus and Batya,  provide no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the ultimate reliability of these data results or interpretations thereof. However, we are optimistic as to its outcome.) This news is exciting because the Perdomo's understand about Ephraim's return and want to help identify Israel's other tribes. If, along the way, some find that they are of Judah (and some will), that is wonderful, but, we still need to find Ephraim - in order to have Judah reconsider who we are as Believers who love Israel.

    Non-Jews the world over already are taking this test and we believe that their numbers will only increase. We also believe that, through this medium we will find Israel's other tribes. This is indeed awe-inspiring news. It is like seeing a light at the end of a tunnel for many of us. But then again...

    Once, when I was bemoaning the "crazies" who seemed to have grabbed hold of the truth about both of Israel's house and then distorted it, a friend spoke these enlightening words to me: "Batya, light draws bugs."

    We need to beware the bugs.

    We must not dare think that finding out that we are biological Israelites will "improve our lot." Being a physical heir of Jacob will not buy us one second in eternity nor one ounce of righteousness. That comes through faith in our Redeemer, Messiah Yeshua (Psa 49:10-15).

    In suggesting this test, we are not implying that all Believers are biological descendants of the Patriarchs - or that they need to be. Sarah (and the other Matriarchs) did not descend from Abraham. We would not even have a chosen nation of Israel without Sarah. Israel has always included those whom the Father chose to gather with them. Both Israel and Judah have "companions." We must include these "others" because the Father Himself includes them, and He loves them just as much as He loves Judah and the rest of Israel. 

    The primary reason for taking this test is to have Judah realize that an unknown number of us actually are "physical brothers" - and we do this in hopes that it might help Judah to realize that the Father wants to bring all of His children together at this time.

    Through this test, many have thus far found that they are of Judah, because, over the centuries many of Judah "hid" in the Church to escape persecution (such was the case with my husband's maternal grandmother). And now, for the first time ever, we may be able to similarly "find Ephraim." Our hope is that this understanding might help encourage them to arise and be a brother to Judah, a mighty man, even as Scripture says he will be.

    Am Yisrael Chai!

    (The People of Israel Live!)

For the Patrol
Angus and Batya

Your thoughts and comments.   

    This is a team effort, so we would like to hear your thoughts and comments. 
To share them, go to ZechariahsPatrol.com.  Click on the title of the report you would like to comment on, then go to the end of the report. There, you can post your comments and review comments made by others. And if your comments contain questions we will answer them.

Who Is Israel? - Redeemed Israel - A  Primer
At Key of David Publishing words are very important to us.  So it is that we are pleased to present to you a new publication. It is a light, and yet most satisfying fare. It is economically priced so you can feed it to the masses. It is pleasing to the eye and pleasant to the palate.
    It is our newest book, Who Is Israel? Redeemed Israel - A Primer.
    This powerful and concise 96 page book readily defines our Israelite faith. It lifts up the Messiah and points us toward the restoration of the whole House of Israel. Those who proof-read the manuscript have said that this is Batya's best work ever! It is an easy read that gets the essentials of our faith across in a short time. It includes charts and graphics, plus chapters that can be used as an outline for Bible Studies. Most importantly, this encouraging little book points the way toward the glory that lies ahead for those of Redeemed Israel. You will surely be blessed and inspired as you read this informative little book - so be sure to order additional copies for friends and loved ones! We believe you will want to give a copy of it to everyone you know!
     For more information about this exciting new book see: Who Are You and Where Are You Going?  A Call to Action from Key of David Publishing.

    Who Is Israel? Redeemed Israel - A Primer, is being printed and is scheduled to be shipped the week of January 10, 2011.

    Who Is Israel? Redeemed Israel - A Primer will be available as a 96 page paperback book, and in the near future as an audio book on CD, it will be down loadable to Iphones and similar devices, and as an electronic book that can be read on Ipads and similar devices, plus we are making a PowerPoint video teaching that is based on the book.     To pre-order books go to Key of David Marketplace.

To download the Table of Contents, Foreword, Introduction and the First Chapter at no cost go to Book Sample Chapters.

Why Does God Allow His People To Suffer?
Approaching God - Terms and Consequences
The Challenge of Being a Watchman
The Story of the Rest of Your Life
Zachariah's Vision and "The Quartet"

The End-time Call of Yom Teruah

   We encourage you to listen to a new song, written by Batya and recorded by our friend, Will Spires. The song is titled "I AM YHVH" and it is truly inspiring. You might want to listen to it before you pray. The song is about the Father's heart cry for His chosen people: Judah and Ephraim. You can hear it as you enter the Zachariah's Patrol website or Key of David Marketplace, and it can be downloaded for free at Key of David Marketplace. Several people have asked for the song on a CD so they can play it in their cars. So we have made available at Key of David Marketplace. a CD that has seven renditions of the song for $4 (to cover shipping and handling costs).

Upcoming Events
    The Messianic Israel Alliance Southwest Regional Conference will be held in Henderson, Nevada, on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, January 28-30, 2011.

    For more information go to
Upcoming Events

Contact Information

Key of David Publishing's Books are available at the Messianic Israel Alliance Marketplace (Phone 800-829-8777). They also are available at Key of David Publishing Marketplace, where Bookstores, Ministries, and Way Stations are eligible for a quantity discount.

Websites to visit:
Messianic Israel Alliance  The MIA will help you to understand the Hope of Messianic Israel plus Messianic Israel Inclusion Theology. The MIA gives you the options of being an Ally, Friend or a Partner in restoring the Kingdom to Israel.

Bnai' Ephraim International This is the premier online presence that advocates for this generation's sons and daughters of Ephraim.
Zechariah's Patrol Reports This exciting site offers an abundance of prophetic insights that will help you see how events on earth and in our own lives are viewed from Heaven's Throne Room.
To support Key of David and Zachariah Patrol Reports go to Key of David Marketplace. Or to the Messianic Israel Alliance. Or send snail mail to Key of David, PO Box 700217, Saint Cloud, FL 34770. Or call us at 407-344-7700.

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Haftorah - Parshas Bo

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That also through them The האור Light, רפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?


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        by Rabbi Dovid Siegel
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Parshas Bo

Yirmiyahu 46:13
This week's haftorah reflects the painful reality that people do not learn from the past and history will undoubtedly be repeated. The setting is the Babylonian destruction of the Egyptian Empire. The prophet Yirmiyahu states in the name of Hashem, "I will direct my attention to the multitudes of Alexandria and to Pharaoh and all of Egypt...I will deliver them into the hands of their killer, Nebuchadnezar, the King of Babylonia." (46: 25,26)

The Radak explains that these passages refer to a massive massacre predicted for Egypt and her Pharaoh. Radak reminds us that the Egyptian people have a long history of hostility towards the Jewish nation. After an extended period of calm following her devastation at the Sea of Reeds, Egypt resumed her hostility towards her Jewish neighbors. It resurfaced during the reign of the Egyptian premier, Shishak, who invaded the Land of Israel shortly after the demise of Shlomo Hamelech. During this vulnerable Jewish era, Shishak forced his way into Israel and cleared out the treasury of the king. Our Chazal (quoted in Rashi's commentary to M'lochim I, 14-6) cite that Shishak even had the audacity of stealing the glorious throne of Shlomo Hamelech. Egypt continued her hostility towards Israel, and after receiving heavy sums from Israel in exchange for military protection, betrayed her Jewish "ally" and abandoned her. But Egypt's final crime came when Pharaoh N'cho executed the pi ous King Yoshiyahu because he refused to allow Pharaoh's army to enter Israel enroute to Assyria.

Because of this full record, Hashem decided that the time had arrived to repay Egypt for all her cruelty. Although, in truth, she had previously received forty years of exile, apparently this was not sufficient treatment for her. This time, a massive massacre was being planned and an appropriate execution was awaiting her Pharaoh. With this, Hashem would remind Egypt of the very special relationship He maintained with the Jewish people. Hashem's historic lesson to the earlier Pharaoh was characterized in His opening statement that the Jews are "My son, My first-born" (Shmos4: 24). Through these words Hashem warned Egypt at the outset that her hostility toward His chosen nation would be repaid in full. And now, nearly a thousand years later, the time had come for Egypt to review this lesson. Egypt would soon be massacred in response to her cruelty and hostility towards Hashem's first born, the Jewish people.

It is interesting to note the particular analogy Yirmiyahu uses when predicting the Babylonian army's invasion. He says "They cut down her forest, for the enemy could not be counted; they exceeded the locusts, beyond any imaginable limit." (46: 25, 26) Yirmiyahu compares the Babylonians to locusts invading the land in unimaginable proportions. In fact, he describes the totality of this massacre as even greater than the work of the locusts. This analogy seems to bring us back to the historic plague of locusts in this week's parsha. It suggests a corollary between the Egyptian plague in earlier times and the invasion of Egypt by the king Nebuchadnezar in later times.

The explanation of this may be gleaned from the insightful words of the Kli Yakar in this week's sedra. He notes the Torah's introduction to the plague of locusts and explains it through a shocking Egyptian phenomenon. The Torah introduces the plague and states, "I have hardened the hearts of Pharaoh and his servants in order to place My signs in his midst. And for you to tell your children and grandchildren how I played with Egypt."(Shmos 10: 1, 2) "Why," asks the Kli Yakar, "was this introduction chosen for the plague of locusts and not for any other plague?" He responds by citing the testimony of Rabbeinu Chananel regarding an indisputable fact about the land of Egypt. Rabbeinu Chananel testifies that there has never been a locust invasion in Egypt since the massive plague of locusts sent to her by Hashem. Nowadays, even when all surrounding countries are infested with locusts these devouring insects will not penetrate the Egyptian borders. And if they remotely filter into Egypt they never destroy the existing crop.

He explains that this miraculous phenomenon was meant to serve as an everlasting testimony about the plague of locusts. In response to Moshe Rabbeinu's plea for the removal of locusts the Torah states, "There did not remain one locust throughout the entire Egyptian border." (Shmos 10:19) Apparently, this passage became an everlasting statement and from that point and on locusts would never remain in the land of Egypt. This indisputable testimony reminds the world of Hashem's harsh response to Egypt for all the cruelty she showed His chosen people. The plague of locusts therefore deserves a special introduction stating the purpose for all the plagues, to tell of their occurrence to our children. Because, in fact, the plague of locusts and its everlasting testimony were to serve as the perfect vehicle through which to remember Hashem's revelations in Egypt.

We now appreciate the perfect analogy of Yirmiyahu regarding the Babylonian invasion. The prophet was hinting to the fact that Egypt's attitude towards the Jewish people could not be condoned. They, more than anyone, should have anticipated the consequences of their cruel actions. The total absence of locusts from Egypt should have been a constant reminder to them of their past experiences for mistreating the Jewish people. Obviously no one could claim that Egypt hadn't been fairly warned. However, typically, people do not learn their lesson and history must undoubtedly be repeated. If the historic plague of locusts was not a sufficient reminder for them, then the present Babylonian "locusts" would do the trick. Hashem therefore ordered a full scale massacre for Egypt to repeat their earlier experience. They would once again realize that the Jewish people are very dear to Hashem and hostility towards them is certainly not a welcomed policy. Eventually Hashem will protect His people and respond to all hostility in a most befitting fashion.
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Sfas Emes - Parshas Bo

Can we do תפילות prayers for:

Nosson Chayim Leff and torah.org?

That also through them The האור Light, רפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?


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  Sfas Emes
        by Nosson Chayim Leff
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The weekly Sfas Emes is now available in a Sefer. The Seferis called Emes Ve'emunah : A Sfas Emes Companion. This Sefer contains all of the materials in the weekly emails, plus new insights. The Sefer also contains the text in lashon hakodesh on which the Sfas Emes worked to produce his ma'amar. Accessing the the Sfas Emes via the Sefer offers advantages. You have the week's Torah without having to print the email. You have the Sfas Emes' text--which could not be sent by email. Also many people who would enjoy the Sfas Emes do not have internet. You can purchase this Sefer at your favorite bokstore, or online, at the Targum or Feldheim websites. Emes Ve'Emunah will also be available for purchase or perusal at the SOY Seform Sale, January 15-January 24.
Parshas Bo
Sfas Emes, Zechuso Tagein Aleinu, Bo, 5631

The Sfas Emes begins this ma'amar with a basic question that his grandfather, the Chiddushei HaRim had posed. In redeeming us from enslavement in Egypt, HaShem smote the Egyptians with the Ten Plagues. Why were the Ten Plagues a necessary part of the redemption?

Note that the Torah provides an explicit answer to this question. In the words of HaShem Himself (Shemos, 10:1-2): " ... ulema'an tesapeir ... " (ArtScroll: "and so that you may relate in the ears of your son ... that I made a mockery of Egypt ... ". An explicit answer from HaShem Himself is apparently not good enough for the Chiddushei HaRim or the Sfas Emes. Mevakshei ha'emes -- committed to seeking truth -- they probe more deeply into reality. And HaShem rewards their efforts, by disclosing to them secrets of the Torah-that had previously not been revealed to basar ve'dahm -- to human beings.

The Chiddushei HaRim (and the Sfas Emes) answer: The Mishna in Avos (Perek 5,1) tells us that HaShem created the world with "Asara Ma'amaros" (Ten Utterances). The Chidushei HaRim (and the Sfas Emes) explain that HaShem punished the Egyptians with the Ten Plagues in order to transform the Asara Ma'amaros into the "Aseres Hadibros" (the Ten Commandments -- shorthand for the entire Torah).

I find this statement marvelously poetic. But what does it mean? Is the Sfas Emes playing a word game with the number 'Ten'? Not at all! What he is saying is the following. We know that the Aseres Hadibros came from HaShem. By the same token, the Ten Plagues greatly increased our awareness of HaShem's Presence.was greatly expanded. HaShem' clear and evident intervention in the world (through the Ten Plagues) enabled us to recognize that the laws of Nature (the Asara Ma'amaros) are also a manifestation of His Presence. Finally, this experience helped us learn that just as HaShem instituted laws to govern Nature (the asara ma'amaros) so too did He institute laws to govern our lives: namely, the aseres hadibros (a reference to the entire Torah).

But observe a crucial difference between the laws of nature and the laws of the Torah. An atom has no choice; it must behave in accordance with the laws of physics. Note the contrast with the laws of the Torah. Beginning with Moshe Rabbeinu and continuing with all subsequent nevi'im (prophets), HaShem has repeatedly urged us to observe His laws. Moreover, HaShem has also advised us that conducting ourselves in accordance with the Torah will be to our advantage. Thus, living our lives following the laws that HaShem has given will enable us to experience va'chai ba'hem' (Va'yikra 18, 5); that is, we will live our lives with chiyus (with zest). But HaShem has also endowed us with bechira chofshis (free will). And we may in fact use our free will to transgress the laws that He has proposed to govern our lives. At this point, a basic question comes to mind; what will be the consequences of such a refusal to abide by HaShem's laws?

Earlier in this ma'amar, rhe Sfas Emes drew our attention to the parallel between the aseres hadibros and the asara ma'amaros. I suggest that this parallel provides an analogy that will help answer our question. Consider the following (hypothetical) case. A team of engineers has been given the job of designing a new airplane. But they are determined to do the job their way, without regard for the laws of aeronautics. What will happen when they try to fly their new aircraft? The plane will crash, destroying the aircraft and everything on board! Likewise, the very same outcome will result if /when people try to live their lives in a manner that disregards the laws that HaShem has given us to govern our behavior. Human lives will crash, leaving broken hearts, broken minds, and in some cases, broken bodies, as well.

Where can we find evidence of such outcomes in the world? A powerful source of information is available if we want to learn what happens when people choose to reject HaShem's laws for human behavior. That mussar comes from an unexpected source -- The NewYorker magazine. Let me explain.

I sometimes find myself in doctors' waiting rooms. And while I wait, I sometimes read a magazine often found in those rooms: The New Yorker. That weekly is targeted to America's upper-income, upper-education, and upper social-status population -- i.e., people who can, more easily than most, live their lives as they choose rather than in accordance with HaShem's rules. Nevertheless, the life experience mirrored in The NewYorker's short stories is rarely happy. Most commonly, the stories speak of lives in which sad, broken people try (usually without success) to make do in a bleak, barren world.

We move on now to a new line of thought. The Sfas Emes draws our attention to a feature of the Redemption that we often ignore. An unspoken dimension of our liberation from Egypt was: a massive intellectual reorientation. For that is what happened in Egypt. How? As people experienced the Ten Plagues, they came to recognize that HaShem is behind the laws of nature, and that it behooves to obey the laws that He has provided for us.

The shift in worldview that came with the experience of the Ten Plagues took time. The Sfas Emes tells us that change proceeded step by step. One plague sufficed to push aside one false perception about reality. The next plague took us a step further, until the entire shift in worldview was complete. This massive intellectual reorientation was a crucial part of Yetzias Mitzrayim (the Exodus from Egypt). I have the impression that this feature is often slighted in the way we relate to the Redemption from Egypt. By contrast, the Sfas Emes focuses on this feature. He is telling us, in effect, that we should bear in mind this major intellectual shift when we say in our davening: "zecher liYetzias Mitzrayim"

You may be finding ths ma'amar almost too rich to absorb, . But the Sfas Emes continues with an additional (new) line of thought.liine of thought: This ma'amar has frequently referred to Aseres Hadibros, the Ten Commandments. Note the word "dibros". Why ? Because en route to his main message, the Sfas Emes offers us a new perspective on the word "dibra".

The pshat (simple, conventional) meaning of the Hebrew root DBR is: "to speak". But as a good dictionary will tell you, another meaning of DBR is: "to lead". In that vein, the Sfas Emes quotes the Zohar on a phrase that we say every day in the Shema. That phrase is: "Ve'dibarto bahm" (Devarim, 6:7). Following the pshat sense of DBR , ArtScroll: translates the phrase as: "... you shall speak of them ... " (i.e., of the Torah and the mitzvos). By contrast, the Sfas Emes's non-pshat reading of the phrase from Shema is: that the words of HaShem -- and His unity and love -- shall guide and lead us forward in all of our actions. Some difference.

A take-home lesson? We should bear in mind that HaShem sent the Ten Plagues to transform the Asara Ma'amaros into the Aseres Hadibros. That is, when we mention Yetzias Mitzrayim, we, too, can liberate ourselves from the secular world-view (i.e.,the worldview that says: "no HaShem behind the Ten Plagues;" "no HaShem behind theAsara Ma'amaros;" "no HaShem behind Aseres Hadibros"). We imbibe that secular worldview with the very air that we breathe from the society that surrounds us. Hopefully, the ma'amar of the Sfas Emes will alert us to the problem and help us deal with it.

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Comments? Reactions ? Questions? Suggestions? Email them to to Dr. Leff at: leffjud@earthlink.net

Selections based on the book Emes VeEmunah: A Sfas Emes Companion, by
Nosson Chayim Leff, with permission from Targum Press. Available at
www.targum.com. If you like the Sfas Emes emails, you'll love the Sfas Emes sefer.

To subscribe to the Sfas Emes Weekly Email, send an email message to: sfas-emes-subscribe@torah.org.
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commentaries from Ardelle on Bo

Can we do תפילות prayers for:

Ardelle and Cal?

That also through them The האור Light, רפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?



This week brings us to the release of the Israelites from Egypt.  It is interesting to me how many times throughout the Torah we read the phrase – “I am YHVH.”  It is obvious that He wants us to understand who He is.  The Israelites were about to experience His mercy and His grace, but they must also understand that He has another side…a side that judges and destroys the Egyptians who hold fast to their culture and their gods. 

Shemot 10:2 "and that you may tell in the hearing of your son and your son's son the mighty things I have done in Egypt, and My signs which I have done among them, that you may know that I am YHVH."

Today, nearly 3,500 years later, we still recall the grace, mercy, and justice to our children so that they will know that our Elohim rejects the ways of Egypt and turns His face towards those who trust in Him and the Messiah that He sent as our Passover Lamb to release us from our bondage.

Shabbat Shalom!

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Nederlands: Jaar 2008-2009 15 Bo Jaar 2009-2010 15 Bo



Yeshua, A Light in The Darkness (Weekly Torah Parashah)

Can we do תפילות prayers for:

Torah Life Ministries and Thehealthwatchman?

That also through them The האור Light, רפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?

Thehealthwatchman | January 04, 2011
http://www.Torahlife.tv This weeks Torah Parashah is (Exodus 10:1-13:16) This week we read about the final three judgments upon Egypt (locusts, darkness, firstborn, and the people of Israel are finally released to begin their journey to the Promised Land. (Bo)

Legacy - Parshas Bo

Can we do תפילות prayers for:

Rabbi Naftali Reich and torah.org?

That also through them The האור Light, רפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?


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        by Rabbi Naftali Reich
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Parshas Bo
Choose Light
What is the worst calamity that can befall a person? What agonies are the most difficult to endure? To find the answer, we need only look at the plagues that afflicted the Egyptians when they refuse to let the Jewish people out of bondage.

The Ten Plagues were designed to break down the stubborn resistance of Pharaoh and the Egyptians. Each successive plague turned up the pressure another notch or two higher, until Pharaoh, no longer bear the pain, finally capitulated. The final and most crushing blow was the death of the firstborn. The runner-up in sheer torture was the ninth plague, which enveloped Egypt in such a dense, palpable darkness that all the people were completely immobilized. The agony of a prisoner in solitary confinement does not compare to the living death that gripped the benighted Egyptians.

While all the Egyptians were trapped in the darkness, life for the Jewish people continued as usual. As with all the other plagues, they were completely impervious to the effects of the catastrophes to which Egypt was being subjected. And yet, the Torah tells us that during the plague of darkness “the Jewish people had light in all their dwelling places.” Why was it necessary to tell us that the Jewish people were unaffected by the darkness? Furthermore, what is the significance of their having light in “their dwelling places”? Surely, they enjoyed light wherever they were.

Earlier in Genesis (28:10), we read that “Jacob departed from Beersheba and went to Harran.” The Midrash observes that the Torah finds it appropriate to mention his point of departure in addition to his destination point. This teaches us that “when a righteous person is in a city he represents its glory, light and beauty, and when he departs, its glory, light and beauty are removed.” What is the significance of this redundant language?

The commentators explain that all too often we do not appreciate what we have until we lose it. When do people realize that the righteous person is the glory of his city? When he departs and the glory is removed.

In Egypt as well, the Jewish people did not appreciate fully the wonderful gift of light until the plague of darkness struck Egypt. Watching the Egyptians immobilized by the darkness, they were suddenly extremely grateful that they had light to illuminate their lives.

On a more mystical level, the commentators see darkness and light as metaphors for the Egyptian and Jewish cultures. Egyptian society, steeped in superstition, magic and idolatry, was blind to the Presence of the Creator in the world. It was a place of darkness. The plague of darkness tapped into the Egyptian way of life and produced a physical manifestation of the spiritual darkness. And the severity of the plague was clear proof of the extent to which the spiritual light had been extinguished in Egypt. The absence of spirituality immobilizes a person and prevents him from moving forward.

When the Jewish people perceived the spiritual blight of the Egyptians, they recognized the Presence of the Creator in every grain of sand, every blade of grass, and this profound faith illuminated their world. The purity of life in “the Jewish dwellings,” therefore, shone with a transcendent light that reflected the inner spirituality of the Jewish people.

A young student was sitting in the back of the classroom and daydreaming. At the front of the room, the teacher was explaining the intricacies of a difficult subject, but the student paid no attention. He was lost in the faraway world of his imagination.

Suddenly, he heard another student speaking loudly and disrupting the class. The teacher asked the troublemaker to be quiet, but to no avail.

The daydreamer’s interest was piqued. He ears perked up, attuned to every word that transpired in the classroom. He listened to the teacher trying to convey important ideas, and he listened with revulsion as the troublemaker blotted out the teacher’s words with his disrespectful noise.

How foolish I’ve been, thought the daydreamer. My teacher is telling us such important things, and I wasn’t paying attention. Unfortunately, it took the troublemaker’s antics to make me aware of what I was missing.

In our own lives, we sometimes become so caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life that we lose sight of the deeper truths of life, of a sense of which things that are important and which are not. But then when we see the extreme degradation of the society in which we live, we are snapped back to reality and regain our innate appreciation for Jewish values and ideals. It is better, of course, never to lose sight in the first place, not to wait for the darkness of others to inspire us to choose light.
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Legacy, Copyright &copy 2011 by Rabbi Naftali Reich and Torah.org. Rabbi Reich is on the faculty of the Ohr Somayach Tanenbaum Education Center.
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