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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

PARSHAH PICKS: The Lost Cause Scenario, The Binding of Isaac, and more... (Vayeira)

Can we do תפילות prayers for:


That through them The האור Light,  רפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?

This email dedicated by:
Mr. David Steibel
In memory of his beloved mother

Cheshvan 12, 5771 · October 20, 2010
General Overview:

In this week's Torah reading, Vayeira, angels visit Abraham and Sarah, informing them that Sarah would give birth to a child despite her advanced age. The angels whisk Lot and his daughters out of Sodom, and overturn and destroy the entire region. Abimelech, king of the Philistines, attempts to make Sarah part of his harem, but through divine intervention she is released unharmed. Isaac is born and Ishmael is expelled from Abraham's household. Abraham makes a peace treaty with Abimelech. The story of the "Binding of Isaac" is recounted – Isaac's "near-sacrifice" experience.
This Week's Features Printable Parshah Magazine
Genesis 18:1-22:24
G-d visits the sick, disguised angels eat bread and meat, Sodom is overturned, Lot gets drunk, Sarah laughs and gives birth, a truce is sworn over seven sheep and a well, and a father and son meet the ultimate test of faith on a Jerusalem mountaintop

Much is made of Abraham's valiant efforts to save the city of Sodom, how he went to battle with G-d on behalf of these very sinful people. But something about the story just doesn't add up...

By Yanki Tauber
Ishmael and Isaac were having it out. The topic: circumcision. “See here,” says Ishmael, “I am more precious in G-d’s eyes, since I was thirteen when I had mine done.” “I beg to differ,” answered Isaac. “I was eight days old. Now that’s gotta be way cooler.” But let’s face it. Ishmael has a point...

By Mendel Kalmenson
"Binding of Isaac" has come to represent the ultimate in the Jew's devotion to G-d. But every nation and cause has its martyrs. Is there anything truly unique about Abraham's deed, or about the Jew's readiness to sacrifice himself for his Creator?

Based on the teachings of the Lubavitcher Rebbe
Today, many have achieved extraordinary material success unimaginable in times prior and have generously shared their gifts to help those in need. What compels them to distribute so much of their personal income? What causes people -- of any level of affluence -- to give away their hard-earned money?

with Benny RapoportWatchWatch (3:51)
These classes teach the day’s section of the weekly Torah portion.

By Yehoshua B. GordonWatchWatch
The lesson of hospitality from Abraham and Sarah

By Ruvi NewDownloadDownload   ListenListen (3:30)
Examining the weekly Torah reading through the lens of contemporary commentary, showing how topical and relevant the parshah's ideas really are. Both mystical and pragmatic, this lesson will elevate your spirit and refine your view of the world around you.

By Mendel KaplanDownloadDownload   ListenListen (53:15)
Have you ever met a Rabbi who could give you an inspiring message in just two minutes? Well, here it is….

By Baruch EpsteinDownloadDownload   ListenListen (2:17)

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