Can we do תפילות prayers for:
Mike Clayton
That also through them The האור Light, רפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?
 | | November 25 2010 |
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Live Update! At least it was live when I recorded it Wednesday morning!
Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, current events and a family update are a few of the subjects covered this week.
Happy Thanksgiving |
From our family to yours, we wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving.
Torah Commentary |
Vayeshev "And he dwelt"
Genesis 37:1-40:23
Amos 2:6-3:8
Zechariah 2:14 - 4:7
Judges 1-3
A Time Of Preparation
As a young boy watching his father's sheep, Joseph had no idea of the great destiny to which he was called. Even after his infamous dreams he did not realize. Though he did not understand at the time and would not for many years, Elohim was directing his life in a very unique way. Along the way Joseph would have to endure rejection, hardships, being misunderstood and most every emotion and trial one man could ever expect to endure in a lifetime. All the while, though I am sure he did not understand it, his life was on track for a purpose. That purpose would eventually be realized after a time of plenty followed by a time of famine, a famine that would bring his family under one roof. It would be a time in which healing could occur between brothers who had grown up with mistreatment, division, anger, jealousy and a whole list of negatives.
Joseph would endure much on his road from the prison of a water cistern to the palace of the king. All the while he would have to learn to walk his life, step by step, with faith in the God of his forefathers. Along Joseph's walk there would be dreams, visions and encounters he would have to interpret. There would be no way to know at the moment if his decisions were right or wrong in a natural sense. He would have to learn to trust an inward voice, a voice, which would speak so softly that Joseph would at times wonder if he had heard correctly. There would be times when everything around him would say the decisions he had made were wrong. People would criticize and mock him for his convictions and principles, yet he would have to continue to walk, one day at a time, trusting in One whom he had never seen, One whom he had only heard of from his forefathers.
We today have the convenience of reading ahead a few chapters in Genesis to find out that everything did turn out well and they all lived happily ever after. We can read through the story, smiling all the while because we have read it many times before and we already know the outcome is a sweet one. We then close the book, lay it on the nightstand, turn on the news and fall asleep, not stopping to realize the account of Joseph is more than a story, it is also a prophecy.
Yes, the life of Joseph as well as many others have fulfillment in that day as well as a day to come. Joseph speaks of a time of plenty upon the earth, followed by a time of famine, a time of hardship even for the family of Joseph. Most believe his story also speaks of a time of plenty upon the earth, which will be followed by a time called "the time of Jacob's trouble."
The book of Amos tells us that HaShem will do nothing unless He reveals it to His servants the prophets. I can tell you that from one corner of the earth to another people tell me of a very soft voice inside that tells them the world is about to change and change fast. People are saying to me that hard times are coming. They are asking what they should do to prepare for these times. So how do we prepare? Here are a few suggestions I have that each of us should be doing on a daily basis.
1. Get to know His Word. Don't just read it, looking to confirm what we think we already know, but really read it praying that old doctrines which may be wrong will be corrected. It is a day to repent and turn to Torah. This is the message of all of scripture. It is in Torah that we find the foundation of our relationship with Him.
2. Get to know His voice. But how do we know His voice in a world of so many voices? His voice will always line up with His Word.
3. Look at the people He is bringing into your life as well as the ones He is trying to take out of your life. If we allow Him, He will surround us with people who will complement the destiny He is calling us to. Letting go of the past will allow you to be set free while holding on will on serve as an anchor.
4. Don't be afraid to let go of what seems secure in the natural to take hold of what is secure in the spiritual. Remember, His Kingdom is unshakeable and is truly the only thing secure.
Joseph in his day held on to a dream. Today, we hold on His Word. It is His Word that reminds us that in the midst of turmoil, He will never leave us or forsake us. No matter if our destiny becomes one of betrayal and hardship like Joseph, the end of the story reminds us that those who stand fast may in the beginning be called heretics, but in the end, the heretics become the heroes.
Soon we begin Hanukah, a time to remember those who stood fast and did not waiver. Look at the scriptures of Hebrews 11. Who is it that is mentioned? It is Joseph. I just wonder if there are others today who through living life in the pattern of Joseph are still being added to the list of the Hall of Faith. Now that is a question to ponder for a while.
Shabbat Shalom,
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