'Comments' on Torah for The WatchMen. Collected 'comments' from different resources. This blog is an extension for the website: 'The WatchMen from Israel'.

But everyone is welcome to look around and to pray with us please bring a visit to our website. If you have a Prayer Request after reading a Post please click 'Prayer request' (on the right link to secured website) and we post it on The Feet of The Mountain of YHWH.


If you have a question or like to say something in connection with the Post, you can put it as a Comment. And other people can answer. Please hold ‘our goal ’in reacting: coming together in Love the Love of Yeshuah Rabbeinu our Messiah. Yeshuath YHWH.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Newsletter Parasha Ki Tissa 5771

Can we do תפילות prayers for:

Sukkat David Ministry ?
That also through them The האור Light, רפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?
Newsletter registration

Sukkat David Ministry

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Study Torah 

Kingdom Tithes and Offerings A Jewish perspective
 A study you never got on the topic of tithing in the Kingdom at the light of Jewish sources! Time to enter His blessings!Buy Now

The Identity of the Bride up to the Torah 
The Identity of the Bride up to the Torah

We just prepared a new book, based on our Yeshiva study Chayyeh Sarah. You will discover what the Torah and Jewish sources teach about the Bride.
The Identity of the Bride up to the TorahBuy Now

Our last book has now been translated into English and Dutch now!   It is a strong prophetic message that sheds light on the rise of Islam and the solution HaShem has planned to fight it.

 We are at the dawn of the 21st century, 2,000 years after the coming of our Master Yeshua and the world is on the road to ruin. While the Church should be strong after these centuries of practice, we witness the rise of a conquering religion, entering with power in all the civilized Christian countries to subjugate and submit men and women to an iron yoke. What are the reasons for this spiritual war and why does G-d allow Islam to conquer the Western world? What are the secret agreements concluded by our governments to give access to mass immigration for Muslims in Europe and in the United States? We will try to answer these questions in part, in this study based on the sacred texts of the Word of G-d and certain Jewish sources. Buy Now
Yeshiva Sukkat David
 Study with Judah Messianic Torah Observant Teachers in Israel.
A comment from one member of the Yeshiva:
I can't say enough about your teaching. I find myself 
thinking all day about what is being said.   Your approach 
is like I have not seen before. I find them very informative and inspiring. Shalom and Blessings    
You have two possibilities to study:Complete training with graduation or Personal enrichment.
The Complete training will allow those who want to teach Torah to be part of our network of Torah teachers, who desire to start a Yeshiva in their home or at their kehila. Sukkat David will offer help to those who want to initiate Torah study groups.

Take the opportunity to study Torah starting with the highly prophetic Book of Genesis. Torah is the key for the end times; everything has been written in it. We just need to dive into it and receive tremendous revelations on Yeshua and His plan for our lives.
From the beginning of the messianic calling of the first Patriarch, the Torah teaches us that faith is the key to salvation. Grace also has been present since the beginning.
The foundations are laid from the first Book of the Bible, to help us understand the perfect plan of salvation that G-d has for mankind. If one doesn't study the foundations of this plan a great part of the Revelation is lost, notably, the Revelation of Messiah Yeshua. 
 Receiving Him in our heart as Savior and Master is one thing, one first necessary step for our salvation, but our path doesn't stop there. After Pesach (salvation by grace), we must head to the Festival celebrated in honor of HaShem, "three days walk" after the reception of the Torah: Shavuot. Avraham saw the L-rd, and the story of his life and of his descendents reveals His Presence, even from the beginning.
The same way we have received the Savior in our hearts,  it is now about receiving His Torah engraved in our hearts, even as proclaimed by the prophets in Jeremiah 31:31.  True new birth takes place by the action of the Ruach HaKodesh, who circumcises our hearts to be able to walk according to the criteria of holiness of Elohim.

But in order to be able to walk in these commandements, under Yeshua's yoke, we need to know the Word. When did G-d speak, before the eyes and to the ears of all, with the sound of thunder, setting ablaze an entire mountain? The answer is obvious: the Creator of the universe came to reveal His heart at Mount Sinai, a place that didn't belong to anyone,  and that was open freely to all those who wanted to drink the waters of life.
Yeshua manifested Himself on that day at Mount Sinai, but only Moshe could see Him. Moshe's skin shone so intensely that he covered it with a veil. He shone from the initial Light of Creation: the Light of Messiah. He is the PURPOSE of the Torah; He fills us with His love and calls us to follow Him, to prepare a heavenly Bride.

He left us these words:John 5:45-47 But don't think that it is I who will be your accuser before the Father. Do you know who will accuse you? Moshe, the very one you have counted on! For if you really believed Moshe, you would believe me; because it was about me that he wrote. But if you don't believe what he wrote, how are you going to believe what I say?

Indeed, if we don't believe the Torah of Moshe, how will we believe the words of Yeshua? They are the same, only revealed to our  understanding, because the veil was lifted.

By studying the Torah, our intimate knowledge and revelation of Yeshua grows.
Don't stay at the stage of Pesach and salvation by grace; move on to the stage of priesthood! He is preparing the Kingdom of priests for the Glory of G-d the Father!

Register to the Yeshiva,and join the numerous students of many different English, French and Dutch speaking countries. Join the set -apart people on their way to meet their Groom!
Study Torah and be transformed!  
The Renewed Covenant by the light of the Torah
סכת דויד 
Adar aleph 14 5771- February 18 2011
Shabbat shalom!
"If you hold back your foot on Shabbat from pursuing your own interests on my holy day; if you call Shabbat a delight, ADONAI' s holy day, worth honoring; then honor it by not doing your usual things or pursuing your interests or speaking about them. Isaiah 58:14 If you do, you will find delight in ADONAI-- I will make you ride on the heights of the land and feed you with the heritage of your ancestor Yaakov, for the mouth of ADONAI has spoken." Isaiah 58:13-14
Yeshiva Sukkat David
Since our return from Belgium, we have received new registrations and the Yeshiva is growing in  all the French speaking countries! This word was received during worship, when we were gathered in Brussels:
I saw huge bridges, starting from Sukkat David in Israel and going into the nations. Some bridges were like highways, and a few of them even overlooked the others. There were many, and among them, a tiny one came to take its place. It looked rather like a footbridge. I could see it clearly, although it was small and underneath all the other bridges. This small footbridge was also very short, it didn't reach out of Israel. It is the beginning of new ties for Sukkat David in Israel. May G-d bless you.
Amen, may it be so! Come join our ranks and build bridges! It is time to find shelter in His Word. Islam is growing, come back to the truth of the Torah, where all things have already been announced.  Register for the session starting in February
Golden clafTorah Weekly Portion: Ki Tissa
Moshe went up to the moutain to bring back the Two Tablets. The people, doubting of his return and impatient to enter the Promised Land, make themselves a Golden Calf ... 
All those themes are developed in depth in the studies of ourDistance Messianic Yeshiva. Next session: February 2011
Our weekly Parasha begins with the census of the children of Israel; it also tells of the sin of the golden Calf and of the broken Tables and the receiving of their replacements; it includes the remembrance of the laws of Shabbat and ends with the shining face of Moshe, who had to cover it with a veil to appease the people.

In this census the people were not numbered; only the half shekels were numbered and collected as the basis to build the Mishkan. These "half shekels" were only made whole when combined with the offerings brought by others; thus, the nation as a whole participated in the building of the Mishkan.

The remainder of the Mishkan was built with the free will offerings and, as we saw in our Parasha Trumah, Betzal El had a prophetic gift which allowed him to discern the purposes of their hearts when giving and accordingly, the offering would be used for the building of the Arch, the Menorah, or the posts of the courtyard.

Once more the Torah teaches us that service for G-d is to be accomplished together as a team, for a common purpose; two halves becoming a whole when combined, different yet united in the same vision.

Furthermore, the Hebrew word for "is to pay" or "will give" venatnu composed of the letters, vav, nun, tav, nun, vav, וְנָתְנוּcan be read from both sides, left to right and vice versa; this teaches us of the boomerang effect or the sowing and reaping of the tzedaka, the offering that is made from a willing heart. The blessings coming from this offering will reach us in one way or another  :

So I thought it necessary to urge these brothers to go on to you ahead of me and prepare your promised gift in plenty of time; this way it will be ready when I come and will be a genuine gift, not something extracted by pressure. Here's the point: he who plants sparingly also harvests sparingly. Each should give according to what he has decided in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. {#Pr 22:8 (Septuagint)} Moreover, God has the power to provide you with every gracious gift in abundance, so that always in every way you will have all you need yourselves and be able to provide abundantly for every good cause-- as the Tanach says,  "He gave generously to the poor; his tzedaka lasts forever." {#Ps 112:9} He who provides both seed for the planter and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed and increase the harvest of your tzedaka. You will be enriched in every way, so that you can be generous in everything. And through us your generosity will cause people to thank God, because rendering this holy service not only provides for the needs of God's people, but it also overflows in the many thanks people will be giving to God. In offering this service you prove to these people that you glorify God by actually doing what your acknowledgement of the Good News of the Messiah requires, namely, sharing generously with them and with everyone. And in their prayers for you they will feel a strong affection for you because of how gracious God has been to you. Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift! 2 Corinthians 9:5-15"....
Read the following online 

Pesach is celebrated each year since the coming out of Egypt. See our Messianic Passover Haggadah. Special price: 10 USD e-bookBuy Now
 Copying not permitted without authorization. Copyright 2006-2009. All rights reserved
Sefer ShemotMessianic commentaries of the Parashot from the Book of Shemot: a trip  through Torah to discover the Messiah...   The second volume of this series speaks of the spectacular deliverance of a whole people in order to make him a nation of priests by the giving of the Torah....Those commentaries will help you grasp very essence of the Weekly Torah portion read each week at the synagogue, by the light of the Ruach Hakodesh:For if you really believed Moshe, you would believe me; because it was about me that he wrote. But if you don't believe what he wrote, how are you going to believe what I say?" John 5:46-47  
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The use of medicinal herbs of the Judaea Desert is an ancient tradition,which was well known throughout the Roman Empire and elsewhere, notably.
In the Roman Empire, the Land of Israel was a source of various medicinal and cosmetic balms. Notably, there are a particularly large number ofmedicinal plants in the Land of Israel, due to its geographical location in a junction of three continents, and due to a harsh desert climate in various regions, which requires plants to possess a large arsenal of compounds for self-protection and preservation. The scarcity of rain improves the quality of oil obtained from plants growing in the region.
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When you purchase Kedem products, you get an excellent quality product and you support Israel's economy!

Books of the month: Chanukka:I will stir up thy sons o Tzion, against thy sons o Javan


 Support this ministry 
By purchasing our books, you support the ministry. 
You can now donate safely to help us continue to work in Israel and produce some Torah oriented material to restore the fullness of His Word in His Body as announced:
 Many peoples will go and say, "Come, let's go up to the mountain of ADONAIto the house of the God of Ya'akov! He will teach us about his ways, and we will walk in his paths." For out of Tziyon will go forth Torah the word of ADONAI from Yerushalayim.Isaiah 2:3 

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