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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

haRold Smith: He That Has An Ear... Who Is Israel - the Covering

Can we do תפילות prayers for:

haRold Smith?

So that through him The האור Lightרפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?

Difficulty Reading? Click http://hethathasanear.com then on the article for larger type. He That Has An Ear...

"…let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes I will give to
eat from the tree of Life, which is in the midst of the Garden of YHVH."    Revelation 2:7

the Kingdom

...not by observation - within (Luke 17:20-21)

Who Is Israel?

Part Two - the Covering

by haRold Smith
a citizen of the Commonwealth
(Ephesians 2:12)

"For through Yeshua we
both have access by one Spirit to the Father of Israel . Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of YHVH." Ephesians 2:18-19

"Truly YHVH is good to Israel, to those who are of a
pure heart." Psalm 73:1

The last article, Who Is Isreal - the Gentile (click on highlighted words to view content), revealed that the first time the Greek word, ekklesia (translated "church"), appears in scripture is not in the book of Acts as Christianity teaches; but, rather, was used by Yeshua in the book of Matthew to define who is considered Israel. He uses this word to draw a distinction between a Gentile (someone who worships gods other than the Holy One of Israel) and members of the family of YHVH - of Israel. The definition of ekklesia in chapter 18:15-17 means "those called out of their homes to an assembly, an assembly of Israelites". When Yeshua made this statement, there were no "Christians" around. He was speaking to Hebrews who understood "the assembly" to have existed long before Pentecost. In the wilderness, whenever the family of YHVH gathered before the tabernacle, they were called the "assembly" from which the Greek word ekklesia gleans its definition (Leviticus 8:4).

In Ephesians 5:29-32, Sha'ul (the apostle Paul) says that when he speaks of the marriage relationship, he is speaking of the mystery between Yeshua and the assembly (the "church"). In a marriage between a man and a woman where we see two distinct, individual entities - in the Father's Eyes, He sees them as one flesh. Yes, one spirit, but, more importantly, ONE FLESH. Reach down and pinch yourself - this is the flesh he is speaking of. In verse 31, Sha'ul is quoting from Genesis 2:24. The word translated as "cleave" in this verse comes from the Hebrew devaq, presenting a picture of two sticky mudballs smacked together so as to form one seamless mudball. Sha'ul likens this relationship as the same type existing with the Body of Yeshua - He as the Head and believers in Yeshua as the Promised Messiah of Israel (not the "savior of the world") who constitute the members of that Body. It is a mystery but, just as your head does not float around apart from your body, so His Head is not separate from the members of His Body, waiting somewhere in the sky to be reattached and the members are not separate from either the Head or from each other - even though, looking through natural eyes, it may appear otherwise. This is why it only takes two or more for Him, as the Head, to be present at any one time and for His Body to function as a whole. This is the mystery of echad (Hebrew for "one"), the two becoming one (see what it means to be in Communion).


the Covering of YHVH
Unlike Western engagements which are often considered to be a trial period for compatibility, a Hebrew couple is considered married at betrothal and that marriage can only be dissolved with a divorce (fully discussed in the article Betrothal). A traditional Hebrew wedding ceremony takes place under a " chuppah," a canopy under which the newly consummated couple make public their vows to one another. One of the definitions used of the chuppah is "a covering". If we consider the house of YHVH, Israel, as a chuppah, then it is under that covering which exist two separate entities, the Bridegroom and the Bride. It is under this protective covering of Spirit that the family of YHVH will become one entity with the Father - the fulfillment of the Plan and Purpose of YHVH from the beginning to have a family, a nation of Priests holy set apart to Him, who would be a Light to the other nations of the world (Isaiah 49:5-6, see A Nation of Priests, and the Inheritance).

John the Immerser declares Yeshua to be the "Bridegroom" in John 3:28-29. If believers in Yeshua as the promised Messiah of Israel constitute the Body of the Messiah who is the "BrideGroom" and, considering there is no precedent set forth in scripture for anyone to marry themselves (you cannot be both the Bridegroom and the Bride at the same time) - then who is the Bride? This is not an analogy or symbolism, folks, and even though Christianity proclaims itself to be the bride; there is only one place in all of scripture that actually states, "…here is the Bride of the Lamb" found in Revelation 21:9-14, describing the New Jerusalem descending from a higher place "out of" (not "down from") the heaven we have already established in the previous article as being within (Isaiah 57:15, Luke 17:20-21).

Although widely depicted in many artistic renderings as something similar to a brick and mortar structure, this city is made up of PEOPLE. Those people accepting a circumcision of heart are those who are the family of ISRAEL, as it always has been (Deuteronomy10:16, Deuteronomy 30:6. Jeremiah 4:4. Romans 2:29. Colossians 2:11). It is upon each of the twelve gates that is inscribed one of the twelve Hebrew tribes of Israel - through which is granted the only entry to the city (Revelation 22:14). The walls, made up of many different stones, are each built upon a foundation each one having the name of one of the twelve Hebrew apostles - but the walls connect the gates. It is from within this city OF PEOPLE that emanates the Light of Spirit (Revelation 21:23, 1Kings 11:36, Matthew 5:14).

It is in keeping with this illustration of the New Jerusalem that is described is the consummation of the marriage, the co-mingling of what are now two entities into One to become a single entity is in complete compliance with the scriptural definition of marriage between two separate entities becoming "one flesh" - as those believers in Yeshua as the Promised Messiah of Israel have already become One with the Bridegroom (John 17:21, Genesis 2:24, Ephesians 5:31, and Ephesians 2:15). This marriage will not be some 'spiritualized analogy' - it will be in a real marriage, a true echad (Hebrew for "one"). The relevancy of Israel to Spirit is thoroughly examined in the article (the Bride).

the Bride of the Lamb

the Bride of the Lamb
In Jeremiah 31:35-36 YHVH declares His Husbandry to Israel and speaks clearly concerning when this marriage relationship will be at an end. Revelation 19:7-8 tells us that the consummation of the marriage will come when the Bride has "made herself ready." If it is the Father Who has proclaimed His Husbandry to Israel - how is it the Son seemingly takes the place of the Husband? Unlike there being no precedent in scripture for someone to marry themselves, there is precedent for sons to marry their mother (Isaiah 62:1-5, Galatians 4:25-27). If we consider the marriage relationship becoming echad (Hebrew for "one") as Paul discusses in Ephesians 5, then it is from this Hebrew root manifested in Yeshua that all who believe in the Holy One of Israel have been birthed - thus, the 'mother of us all' and the legitimacy needed for her sons to marry her by becoming echad with the Father, the Husband - Just As Yeshua became echad with the Father (see Just As - Even So).

However, even in the natural, no marriage can take place if either of the two parties do not recognize the validity of the other. Because Christianity has successfully divorced itself from the Hebrew root, it has no comprehension of the familial history accompanying that root. They forget that all these books contained in what is called the Bible were all written by Hebrews from a Hebrew perspective to explain this Hebrew phenomena of the reason for a Messiah (not a "Christ" which is a Greek alteration of the Hebrew "Messiah", see Who's Name Is It? for an appreciation of the effects of changing His Name). To Christianity the "begets" (Genesis 5, Luke 3). are just boring passages to skip over in order to get to more exciting stuff without realizing that everything recorded in all of scripture comes back to this reason for the tracking of their genealogy.

The blood sacrifice of the first-born status of the Kinsman Redeemer, the Son (not the Father), was for the redemption of the family of YHVH whose blood had been compromised and corrupted by the disobedience of the first son, Adam - not for yours or my personal salvation. For those who would enter the Kingdom by the washing of the water of YHVH's Words and becoming one in the Nature of Spirit with YHVH John 3:5. see what To Be Born Again). just as Yeshua was one with the Father - they certainly benefit from His sacrifice; but by Yeshua's own confession, His purpose was for the restoration of the Kingdom to YHVH's family, Israel Luke 4:43 - this purpose is thoroughly chronicled in the Kinsman Redeemer Series: Establishing the Signet, the Inheritance, the Need for Atonement, and Inhabiting Inheritance).

Those constituting the ethnic Hebrew population today have come to be known as "Jews". This is a Westernized derivation of the Hebrew "Yud", a short term coined by Greek and Roman occupiers of Israel from the tribe of Yehudah (Judah - remember, there was no letter "J" before the mid 17th century. See What's In A Name to verify),
the Marriage Supper

the Marriage Supper of the Lamb
who were the primary tribe of Israel represented in Jerusalem diring the time of occupation. Today, of those Yuds who actively believe in YHVH, they are all looking for the Messiah - they just don't know His Name as yet. Every Sabbath dinner table of a believer in YHVH is set in such a manner as to anticipate the appearing of the Messiah - that very day. That those who comprise the ethnic side of the assembly do not yet recognize Yeshua as that Messiah is primarily due to their not actually having read the words of Yeshua and the epistles but, rather, from listening to religious Christian commentators who preach replacement theology. (click here for an in-depth look at the Origins, Teachings and Errors of Relacement Theology).

Consequently, because Christians have erroneously been taught there is no further need to keep Torah, the Words of YHVH; while, at the same time, elevating this person "Jesus" as a god who replaces YHVH thereby violating the first of those Words (what have come to be known as commandments found in Exodus 20:1-17, with emphasis on verse one) - ethnic Hebrews are unable to see Yeshua as the promised Hebrew Messiah spoken of in Hebrew scripture (see In Addition which explains the scriptural distinction of being divine apart from being a deity). Christianity has joined the world in shunning the Yud - but, the Father of Israel does not behold His Family with such a jaundiced eye (Deuteronomy 32:7-10, Zechariah 2:8).

Next, this series will explore the Father's plan for the Yud, the importance of the Land and the book of Revelation from the vantage point of a Hebrew perspective.

And the angel said to me, "Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb." And he said to me, "These are the true words of YHVH."
Revelation 19:9

Please feel free to email them to me at harold@hethathasanear.com. While not claiming to have all the answers, it would be an honor to share with you what the Spirit is uncovering.
On A
Personal Note

Thank you for your interest in revisiting the recent interview I was invited to participate in and broadcast by satellite on God's Learning Channel. You may see the entire interview by clicking on the picture to the upper left
Aramaic to English New Testament
My friend, Teddy Chadwick, who lives in Israel, is offering this translation of the NT in English from Aramaic. Those who have read it have commented on its usefulness to help understand the Hebrew concepts expressed in the gospels and epistles. Click on the image above for further instructions for acquiring this translation for your very own.

"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: They shall prosper that love you." (Psalm 122:6)
(prosper - from the Hebrew, "shalav", meaning "to be at rest")

Please visit the website http://hethathasanear.com for other articles and videos
or for information if you feel led to contribute to this ministry.
Click here to watch the short movie Maranatha!.

Shalom Alechem B'Shem Yeshua HaMashiach.
(Peace be unto you in the Name of Yeshua the Messiah)
haRold Smith



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