Can we do תפילות prayers for:
haRold Smith and his ministry?
That also through them The האור Light, רפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?
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"…let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Garden of God." Revelation 2:7 | ||||
Part One - Establishing the Signet by haRold Smith based in Jerusalem, Israel “Now then, if you will indeed obey My voice and keep My Covenant (commandments), then you shall be My own possession. among all the peoples, for all the earth is Mine; and you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” Exodus 19:5-6 "For when I brought your forefathers out of Egypt and spoke to them, I did not just give them commands about burnt offerings and sacrifices, but I gave them this command: Obey me, and I will be your God and you will be my people.. Walk in all the ways I command you that it may go well with you." Jeremiah 7:22-23 From the beginning with Adam and Eve in Gan Edan (Hebrew for the Garden of Eden), the Plan and Purpose of YHVH has been to have a people that would show forth His Glory. His Desire is for a family through whom the LIFE (the Essence of the Nature and Character of YHVH, see the Glory click on the highlighted words to view scripture verses) would be shown forth to the rest of mankind - a Light to the Nations that those nations would desire to come and to enter into His Family as well. In Him was LIFE and that LIFE was the Light of men (John 1:4 see the Word). Adam was the first son of the family of YHVH - the first to be set apart (the meaning of the Hebrew word for holy - kadowsh) from the rest of mankind existing at the time. That there were other people on the planet when Adam was formed is evidenced in several ways but, primarily, with the mark of protection placed on Cain that he not be killed by others and that he took a wife from the land of Nod - outside of the land of Eden before Adam and Eve had given birth to other sons and daughters recorded in Genesis 5. Adam was the first Hebrew - the first son of YHVH's family fashioned in the image of His Glory (Genesis 4, see the Gospel). The Hebrew word for "mark" is 'owth and actually means "sign (token) or seal". The verse in Genesis 4:15 should be more accurately translated, "...and YHVH appointed to Cain a sign or seal..." The record does not say that this sign was placed on Cain's person in any way. The "sign" likely consisted of God's solemn decree itself, known and observed by others throughout the world (compare verse 24 where that decree is referred to by Lamech). Whatever the seal was, it was obviously distinguishable enough for assurance that no person would be allowed to slay him. Just as the rainbow was a sign given to Noah, this sign was there to protect Cain - not curse him. The "curse" was Cain's inability to cultivate crops and thus forced to lead a nomadic life (Genesis 4:12), ![]() The Hebrew word translated "own possession" in the passage from Exodus at the start of this article is segullah and means “a valued property to which one has an exclusive right of possession." This passage says there are no other people on the face of the earth who are segullah to YHVH besides Israel. You read that correctly - no other people. Israel is YHVH’s exclusive possession and holiness is the mark, the sign, of His Ownership upon those people - His Family. The seal by which those who are segullah to YHVH (who are are set apart for His Purposes) and are identified from the rest of mankind is by their obvious holiness. This passage in Exodus, along with similar ones in Deuteronomy, Leviticus and 1Peter 2, all point in the same direction - only through obedience to His Voice are we considered holy, righteous. It is why Abraham's action of faith was considered righteous (Genesis 26:4-5). Without that distinguishing Seal of Ownership, His People are nothing more than the mixture of other nations (see A Nation of Priests). Whether YHVH summarizes holiness in a single commandment as with Adam, in the constitution of a nation as with Moses, or in the expression of His Life as exampled by Yeshua, the requirement is the same - there is only obedience or disobedience to His Word. “IF you will obey My voice and IF you will attend to My instructions by following them, THEN will you be My Holy People and THEN will you abide in the Presence of the Eternal One - the Source of LIFE." Obedience to His Direction IS Holiness and the fulfillment of His Purpose as His Family, His People. Obedience makes His People who they claim to be. Holiness is the mark, the seal, the signet of YHVH's Family. " Commit your works to YHVH and your thoughts will be established." Proverbs 16:3 The Hebrew word translated as "commit" is galal and means "to roll over". Commitment is a voluntary, thoughtful choice of will. Commitment means giving up my rights to myself and placing those rights into the hands of another. To commit to another is a voluntary relinquishing of self-ownership. The first step in establishing a relationship in the Family of YHVH is galal, to roll that cylinder of ownership over my actions, my attitudes and my thoughts. They don’t belong to me anymore. When the psalmist instructs us to commit our works, our way to YHWH, he is telling us to allow God’s seal of ownership to make its permanent impression on our lives. He is telling us that YHVH must take complete control of our very existence. From this point on, God owns us. To commit is to be “rolled over,” to submit to ownership - an unbreakable covenant bond. ![]() Choosing for the Words of YHVH to be actionable in my life is to be obedient to those Words, even as Yeshua said He was obedient to them in John 14:23-24, and in John 15:10. As YHVH's Words establish my heart and my thoughts, they cause me to become as He Is - Light. Light and darkness cannot abide in the same space at the same time (see the Law of Grace for more explanation). If YHVH's Word is LIFE and His LIFE is the Light of men, then DIS-obedience to His Word of LIFE is to move into darkness and death - a place of UN-holiness. Adam, created in the image of YHVH with the free will to make choices, placed himself into darkness by his DIS-obedience to YHVH's Word, corrupting the pure blood of LIFE that was breathed into him, causing separation (the definition of "condemnation" used in John 3:16-18) and necessitating a redemption (see A Pre-Determined Destination). Next, we will look into the inheritance of ownership, how that inheritance can be forfeited; the results of forfeiture and why a ransom is required to buy it back.
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"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: They shall prosper that love you." (Psalm 122:6) (prosper - from the Hebrew, "shalav", meaning "to be at rest") Please visit the website for other articles and videos or for information if you feel led to contribute to this ministry. Click here to watch the short movie Maranatha!. | ||||
![]() (Peace be unto you in the Name of Jesus the Messiah) haRold Smith Jerusalem • Israel | Click Here to Subscribe |
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