Prophetic Insights: Seeing Events From Heaven's Throne Room |
Tisha B'av The Saddest Day! Why?
by Alex c. Perdomo MD and Georgina Chan Perdomo MD
Tisha B'av, the saddest day of the year for Israelites, will be observed this year on Tuesday, August 8th. However, there will be a day when YHVH turns this day of saddest into a day of joy!
Why has Tisha B'av been the saddest day?
1,312 BC: (Jewish year 2449 from Adam): On the 9th of the fifth month of Av, after the 12 spies gave their false report YHVH decreed that Israel would wander in the desert for 40 years, because of their UNBELIEF in His promise to give them the land of Canaan. Numbers 13 & 14. 586 BC: (Jewish year 3338, Talmud (Taanit 4:6) On the 9th of the fifth month of Av , King Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the First Temple, Solomon's Temple. 2 Kings 25:8-9; Jeremiah 52:12-13
70 AD: On the 9th of the fifth month of Av, the Roman Emperor destroyed the Second Temple, the one where Messiah Yeshua preached from and prophesized its destruction in Matthew 24:2
134 AD:On the 9th of the fifth month of Av (Bar Kochba rebellion, fell to the Romans on the 9th of Av of the year 3893 (133 CE) after a three-year siege. 580,000 Jews died by starvation or the sword, including Bar Kochba, the leader of the rebellion.
1095 AD: On the 9th of the fifth month of Av the First Crusade was declared by Pope Urban II in, killing 10,000 Jews in its first month and destroying Jewish communities in France and the Rhineland.
1290 AD: On the 9th of the fifth month Av the Jews of England were expelled by King Edward I on this date.
1492 AD: On the 9th of the fifth month Av the Jews of Spain were expelled by King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella on this date.
1914 AD: On the 9th of the fifth month of Av (August 1, 1914), World War I broke out, causing unprecedented devastation across Europe and set the stage for World War II and the Holocaust.
1942 AD , On the 9th of the fifth month of Av the mass deportation began of Jews from the Warsaw Ghetto, en route to Treblinka. (Holocaust)
2005 AD - On the 9th of the fifth month Av starting at midnight on August 14, 2005, the entry and presence of Israeli citizens in the areas to be evacuated was prohibited underparagraph 22A of the Implementation of the Disengagement Plan Law 2005. Disengagement from the Gaza Strip was completed on August 22, and from northern Samaria on August 23, 2005. (See for more information)
As the Lord has promised the ones that bless Israel will be blessed but the ones that curse Israel will be cursed. The two main players in the division of the land, taking Gaza away in 2005 paid dire consequences... The USA had the worst economical natural disaster in history: Hurricane Katerina slapping New Orleans on August 29, 2005... a few months later, on January 4th 2006 the Prime Minister of Israel, Ariel Sharon had a bleed in his brain, a stroke, and has been in permanent vegetative state since then, maintained alive artificially. In September 2011, the world is talking about dividing Israel one more time and what we have seen happened with the Gaza strip will be a game of children compare to what will happen if they take away land from Samaria and Judea from Israel...Is something going to happen on the 9th of Av this year? For the Land of Israel belongs to YHVH and He has designated that the Israelites live there, and not even the Jews are allow to rent it, exchange it or sell it.
Leviticus 25: 23 'The land shall not be sold permanently, for the land is Mine; for you are strangers and sojourners with Me. Brothers and sister let's continue to pray without ceasing!
The good news is that Abba has promised to turn sadness into joy, even the saddest day of the year: Zechariah 8:19 This is what the LORD Almighty says: "The fasts of the fourth, fifth, seventh and tenth months will become joyful and glad occasions and happy festivals for Judah. Therefore love truth and peace." What are these four Fasts, those that The Lords talks to us through Zechariah?
Fast of the fourth month: the breaching of the wall of Jerusalem
Fast of the fifth month: Tisha B'av
Fast of the seventh month: the death of Gedaliah, the governor appointed by Nebuchadnezzar 2 Kings, 25:22-26; Jer 41 after the fall of Jerusalem in 586 BC.
Fast of the tenth month: The beginning of the siege of Jerusalem. "Zedekiah rebelled against the king of Babylon. And in the ninth year of his reign, on the 10th day of the 10th month Nebuchadnezzar moved against Jerusalem with his whole army. He besieged it; and they built towers against it all around. The city continued in a state of siege until the 11th year of King Zedekiah" (Kings II, 25 verse 1-2; See Holidays/Fast). Notice that the four fast that our brother Judah practices and the Lord talks to us about them in Zechariah revolved around the destruction of the Temple of Solomon, the first Temple.
So what does our brother Judah do on Tisha B'av, the saddest day of the year? (Monday sunset Aug 8th until sunset Aug 9th 2011.) Judah fasts mourns and prays to build the temple in our generation!
Our brother Judah has been diligently working in the land to have everything ready for the construction of the Temple, as to be ready for the coming of Messiah as one of our brother reports in his web site:
"Jewish priests have been identified through DNA testing, priestly garments have been woven, and a Yeshiva has been set up for their training. The vessels and furnishings for the Temple have been recreated, and the Sanhedrin has been reinstituted. Now, it's only a matter of time..."
So what does Ephraim, the Christians or Notzrim do on Tisha B'av, the saddest day of the year?
Brothers and sisters that is a personal answer, but it is clear that YHVH has different orders for each of the houses to achieve the final reunion of the Stick of Yoseph in the hands of Ephraim and the stick of Judah under one commander in chief, one King of kings and Lord of lords. Everyone has their orders, and it is our order to take the gospel to the end of the earth and then Messiah Yeshua will return. Acts 1:8 But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth."
So, Judah is involved in having everything ready to build the physical Temple in Jerusalem; and Ephraim is involved in building the temples in our bodies as all the lost sheep of Israel hears the good news, and have their hearts circumcised, because it is not until then that we will see again our Lord and Savior Yeshua HaMassiach.
Matthew 24:14 --And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.
So lets fast and pray with our brother Judah on Tisha B'av as we continue to take His message to our families, neighbors, coworkers, cities and to the end of the earth...We must purpose ourselves to reach the lost sheep, or we will not do it. We are responsible in front of YHVH to speak about it, we are not responsible for the people to accept what they hear, and that is between them YHVH, Yeshua and the Holy Spirit.
Brachot, Ahavta Yeshua, blessings in the love of Yeshua, ברכות אהבת ישוע
Alex c. Perdomo MD and Georgina Chan Perdomo MD |
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The Return is a profoundly unique album sung by Will Spires with many of the songs written by Batya Wootten. People who long to return to the Holy One as a reunited and restored House of Israel will find these songs are truly about our faith, about our walk in Messiah, and about our Father's awesome promises to us. Some are inspiring songs of encouragement, some make you want to dance, and some are so worship-filled that they will bring you to tears. Each one is unique and beautiful in its own way.
The song titles on the album are: I Am YHWH, Awake and Sing, Ezekiel 37 Reading, Road to Zion, High Plains Drifter Benediction, LeMoedim, HaKol Shel Abba, Everyday Mercy, The Return, Who Are These, Firstborn Redeemer, Light Bringer's Blessing.
To watch a spiritual moving video of I Am YHVH click
For the intriging story on how this collection of songs came to be seeA Song of the Lord - The Birth of an Album by Batya Ruth Wootten You can hear clips of all of the songs, order CDs, the 20 page booklet that has the words to the songs, and/or download individual songs with a print-out of the words at kodpublishing.com
At the recent MIA boot camp we offered aSpecial: A copy of The Return CD, a 20 page booklet that has the words to the songs, plus a copy of the book, Who Is Israel? Redeemed Israel - A Primer, all for $15. Now, we are making this same offer available on line throughout the month of July. This album, like the book, Who Is Israel? Redeemed Israel - A Primer, is an excellent resource to reach people and encourage them to investigate their heritage.
To order the CD, the book of the words to the songs, and/or to download individual songs with a print out of the words to the songs go to kodpublishing.com, or call 407-344-7700.
Key of David publishing is pleased to present its newest publication. Who Is Israel? Redeemed Israel - A Primer.
This powerful and concise 96 page book readily defines our Israelite faith. It lifts up the Messiah and points us toward the restoration of the whole House of Israel. It is an easy read that gets the essentials of our faith across in a short time. It includes charts and graphics, plus chapters that can be used as an outline for Bible Studies. Most importantly, this encouraging little book points the way toward the glory that lies ahead for those of Redeemed Israel. You will surely be blessed and inspired as you read this informative little book - so be sure to order additional copies for friends and loved ones! We believe you will want to give a copy of it to everyone you know!
In quantity this book is available for $2 per copy!! Table of Contents, Foreword, Introduction and the First Chapter may be downloaded at no cost.
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The Errors of the Ephraimite Error Seeking Unity Through The Promotion Of Truth.
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