Can we do תפילות prayers for:
The Temple Institute?
That through them The האור Light, רפואה The Healing and The ואהבה Love of ישועת יהוה Yeshuath YHWH may come back to הארץ The Land of Israel?![]() |
"You Delivered the Many into the Hands of the Few" (from the Chanuka liturgy) Kislev 27, 5772/December 22, 2011 The three most oft-asked questions we receive at the Temple Institute are: "Have you begun building the Holy Temple? How long will it take to build? and when will the Holy Temple be completed?" The answer to the first question is yes, for the past twenty five years the Temple Institute has been preparing sacred vessels to be used in the rebuilt Holy Temple. Maimonides teaches us that the construction of any Temple-necessary vessel is part and parcel of constructing the Holy Temple itself. The answer to the second and third question is "No, we do not know how long the construction will take or when it will be completed." How could we? We are builders, not prophets. But to gain an informed understanding of why we are confident that the Holy Temple can and will be built in our day, it would be most helpful to consider the Chanuka festival which we are currently celebrating and the story of Yosef in Egypt which is our current Torah reading. In the story of Yosef we are introduced to a new phase in G-d's continual revelation to the nation of Israel. Concerning the patriarchs Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov, their relationship with G-d was more or less fulfilled within their own generations. With the advent of Yosef's arrival in Egypt and his eventual climb to the pinnacle of earthly power, we are witness to G-d's revelation and the fulfillment of His promise to Israel as a multi-generational historical process. For here in Egypt begins the beginning of Israel's exile, and also the beginning of Israel's redemption. Yosef lays down the groundwork, but neither he nor his brothers will see Israel's slide into slavery, nor her exodus from Egypt, nor her eventual entry into the land. They are participants, not merely important butessential participants in the unfolding of G-d's plan. They laid down the moral groundwork for Israel's exile, (brotherly hate), and they also laid down the groundwork for Israel's redemption, (brotherly love and mutual responsibility). But the end result was not theirs to witness. Likewise, the Maccabean revolutionaries, led by the Chashmonean family led a long and bloody war against their Greek oppressors. They were able to witness the liberation of the Holy Temple from the Greek pagans, and they were able to re-purify and rededicate the Holy Temple after it had been defiled. But the war that they had begun in order to preserve their life of Torah observance and to regain Jewish sovereignty was to last decades longer. Each of the Chashmonean brothers would eventually die in battle, before any of them could retire in peace or see the ultimate victory of the struggle they led. Like Yosef and his brothers, they were not merely important, but were essential players in the historical process that would lead to the final defeat of the Greek oppressors and the return of Jewish sovereignty in Israel. It wasn't just their historical roles that Yosef and the Chashmoneans had in common.Yosef was a dreamer, a visionary who saw the big picture. He never forgot that it was G-d who directed the scenes, who called the shots and who solved the dreams, but he also understood that G-d's will would be expressed through Yosef's own actions, if he will but allow it to be so. The Chashmoneans were remarkable for their principled stand, for their unbending allegiance to Torah, and for their uncompromising and selfless efforts to achieve just what they had set out to achieve: The right of the people of Israel to live their lives in accordance with the Torah of Israel in the liberated land of Israel. Yosef, who never forgot that he was a Hebrew and who never forgot that there was but one G-d in the world and that the ways of man are His concern, also proved to be an uncompromising and relentlessly steadfast man of Torah principle. Likewise, the Chashmoneans, Mattitiyahu and his five sons who led an untrained band of rebels against the most highly trained, most well-equipped and most powerful army in the Middle East, were dreamers and visionaries. How else could they have dared to make a stand? G-d has a plan, for us as individuals, for Israel as a nation, and for all the nations of the sons of Adam. When we allow our visions and dreams to be kindled by G-d's plan, and when we train our hearts to stay fast to His Torah, then we help G-d to advance His plans. We become more than important in G-d's eye: We become essential. As long as we at the Temple Institute continue to prepare sacred vessels for use in the Holy Temple, (as long as our supporters enable us to do so); as long as Jews and righteous Gentiles ascend the Temple Mount in purity; as long as all hearts beat toward Jerusalem and all knees bend to the place of His Holy Temple, we know that the work that we have begun will be completed, sooner rather than later. As long as we refuse to be waylaid by broken bridges or diverted by broken promises; as long as we refuse to succumb to the radical Islam-driven politically-correct calumny which has swept the West and which intends to rewrite Israel out of her future and her past, all humanity will one day utter praise to the Creator at the place of the Holy Temple. Today, as in Yosef's day, the nation of Israel is rankled by brotherly division. Today, as in the days of the Chanuka victory, Israel suffers from the Hellenizers among our own ranks. But as long as we maintain our dreams and wed them to an iron-clad adherence to Torah, we, like they, shall overcome these difficulties. How long will the Holy Temple take to be built? That depends on us. All of us. When will it be completed? When we, as individuals, as a people and as a G-d fearing family of nations say so. Chanuka Sameach! The light grows ever stronger! |
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Chanuka blessings from the holy city of Jerusalem, Yitzchak Reuven The Temple Institute |
THE TEMPLE INSTITUTE PO Box 31876 Jerusalem, Israel 97500 |
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